Il cinematografo artistico (The artistic cinema)

It was the beautiful Elena, countess Elena Mastiani Brunacci, who gave life to the political and literary salon. She was called the princesse de Guermantes of Pisa and all the women tried to imitate her well-known elegance. It is said that she had 'candid and admirably turned' hands, which were then chosen as a model by Canova for the Venus Anadyomene. One of her exceptional guests was Giacomo Leopardi and, despite her encouragement, it seems that a love story between them never developed. Perhaps he was in love with the sister-in-law of the owner of the inn where he was staying: Maria Teresa Lucignani, who was twenty years old, had blond curls and was cheerful and lively. In 1905, the General Artistic Society of Rome opened the city's second cinema here: the Cinematografo Artistico (Artistic Cinema).
La Tromba dell'Angelo. Selezione dal 'Requiem' di Mozart
Chiesa di Santa Maria del Carmine