/ Piazza dei Miracoli

Veduta aerea Piazza del Duomo/ Piazza dei MIracoli
Veduta aerea Piazza del Duomo/ Piazza dei MIracoli _ foto con drone (F. Muzzi)

In a relatively short distance to be traveled is condensed history of Pisa and its most evocative and impressive without neglecting some small hidden rarity. This is the most suitable path to see the city of Pisa cutting it from the station to Miracles Square.

The square of the Duomo of Pisa - dominated by the Cathedral, the Baptistery, the Bell Tower and Graveyard (the Campo Santo) - represents an architectural whole characterized by a really surprising stylistic accordance, to the point of having been compared by Le Corbousier to the acropolis of Athens. The choice of materials, with an almost absolute supermacy of the white marble, and the constant presence of blind arches at the base and practicable small loggias in the upper orders lead to the thought of single project, almost the expression of the group of artists that works well together in the same building site in a relatively short lapse of time. Still, this is the result of long process that saw various architects, sculptors and painters taking turns, in the space of more than three centuries, and amongthem some leading personalities who have marked their epoch. 

Each visitor entering this space is rapt in the sudden vision of the four monuments, a vision that looks 'miraculous', quoting the fortunate definition coined by D'Annunzio. The buildings seem to spring up from a wide regular lawn, which however dates back to the XIX century, when th square was redesigned in neo-medieval slant, clearing it from many more or less poor buildings and from the vegetable gardens that were still tended there. Also because of these uses, the one of Pisa has no comparison with other medieval squares of the cathedral that, from Parma to Modena, from Siena to Perugia, see the structure of the city radiating from them. Nevertheless, this unusual decentred area has been the spiritual, and not only, heart of the city of Pisa. 

L. Carletti, C. Giometti, A guide to the Duomo Square of Pisa, Pacini Editore, Pisa 2006. 

Edited by: Comune di Pisa
Last update: 24/03/2021

Itinerary: Piazza dei Miracoli

Murale di Keith Haring, Tuttomondo (G. Bettini, Comune di Pisa)
Keith Haring, Tuttomondo
When in 1989 Keith Haring (1958-1990), already internationally famous, painted his mural Tuttomondo on the wall of the Servi di Maria convent beside...
Facciata su Via D'Azeglio - Domus Mazziniana (A. Matteucci)
Domus Mazziniana
The Domus Mazziniana is situated in Palazzo Nathan-Rosselli, where Giuseppe Mazzini died in 1872. The building was declared a National monument on 20...
Facciata - Chiesa di S. Domenico (M. Baldassarri)
Chiesa di San Domenico
This convent was founded by Chiara Gambacorti, a nun from a rich family of merchants who, in 1382 created a community of Dominican nuns. The church...
Annunciazione Chiesa Carmine
Chiesa di S. Maria del Carmine
The Church, founded by Carmelite monks from the Holy Land in 1325, underwent changes in the 16th and 17th centuries and was badly damaged during the...
Logge Banchi 2
Logge di Banchi
Designed by Bernardo Buontalentiand built by will of the Grand Duke of Tuscany Ferdinando I de' Medici between 1603 and 1605, by Cosimo Pugliani, the...
Palaxio nuovo - Palazzo Gambacorti
Palazzo Gambacorti
Palazzo Gambacorti is the result of a long sereies of extensions and adaptations, beginning in mid 11th century with a casa torre now encased in the...
Palazzo Mosca
Palazzo Mosca , inizio XII- XVII secolo
Palazzo Mosca is a combination of several buildings dating from the late 12th century and after. The freestanding pilasters of the facade are coupled...
Abside - Chiesa di Santa Cristina (G. Bettini, Comune di Pisa)
Chiesa di Santa Cristina
Mentioned for the first time in the 8th century, the Church of St. Christina is reported after the year 1000 to be in the area south of the river...
Palazzo Giuli-Rosselmini-Gualandi _ Palazzo Blu
Palazzo Giuli Rosselmini Gualandi - Palazzo Blu
In the 1300s, Palazzo Blubelonged to the Dell'Agnellos, an important family in the political and economic history of Pisa. The central and western...
Ponte di Mezzo dal Lungarno
Ponte di Mezzo
The bridge was rebuilt after the war in reinforced concrete and faced in white stone (1946-1950). It is 89 m long and has a single arch 12,5 m tall....
Monumento a Garibaldi - Piazza Garibaldi
Piazza Garibaldi
Facing on to this square are historically important buildings that defined social and cultural life in Pisa until the Modern Age. The central...
Piazza Garibaldi - Casino dei nobili (A. Matteucci)
Casino dei Nobili
In the Tuscan language, from at least the 16th century the word “casino” meant a place for recreation, for leisure, attended by the quality....
Facciata S.michele Borgo
Chiesa di San Michele in Borgo
The Church and monastery are first mentioned in 1016 as the adaptation of a pre-existing chapel. The building passed to Camaldolese monks between 1105...
Ex chiesa dei SS. Felice e Regolo
The small neogothic building on via Ulisse Dini includes the remains of the Church of Saints Felice and Regolo documented in 1070. The church was...
Statua - Via Ulisse Dini
Via Ulisse Dini
This street is named after the Pisan mathematician and Senator (1845-1918) whose statue is beside the Church of S. Stefano dei Cavalieri.There was a...
Facciata Chiesa Nazionale di Santo Stefano dei Cavalieri (G. Bettini, Comune di Pisa)
Piazza dei Cavalieri
This square is the result of re-styling ordered by Cosimo I in 1558 and entrusted to Giorgio Vasari, who gave the buildings on the square a more...
Chiesa di San Sisto in Cortevecchia
The Church of S. Sisto was built in Cortevecchia in 1087, soon after the Pisan conquest of the Al Mahdiya emporium in Tunisia. On 6th August, in...
Chiesa di Santa Eufrasia (L. Corevi, Comune di Pisa)
Chiesa di Santa Eufrasia
The Church of S. Eufrasia is mentioned for the first time in 780, in the foundation deeds of the monastery of S. Savino, lying not far outside the...
Ingresso Orto Botanico
Orto Botanico, Botanical gardens
Created by order of Cosimo I de' Medici on the iniziative of the great botanist, Luca Ghini, the Giardino dei Semplici (Garden of Simples) is the...
Chiesa di San Giorgio dei Tedeschi (G. Bettini, Comune di Pisa)
Chiesa di San Giorgio dei Tedeschi
The name of this Church comes from the battle of Montecatini (1315) during which German soldiers died fighting on the side of the Pisans. In their...
Bambino In Fasce
Ospizio dei Trovatelli, Foundlings Hospital
The Foundlings Hospital (Ospizio dei Trovatelli) was built in 1315. The building, annexed to the church of S. Giorgio dei Tedeschi, was called...
 Battistero di San Giovanni Battista
Piazza del Duomo - Battistero di San Giovanni, Esterno
The Baptistry was begun in 1152 but it took over two centuries to complete. The first stage, up to the top of the first row of arches, was directed by...
Pulpito e archi
Piazza del Duomo. Battistero di San Giovanni - Interno
Around the inside the Baptistery, is a circle of eight pillars dating from 1163, with capitals carved in human and animal forms by Guidetto
Campo Santo Monumentale
Piazza del Duomo - Campo Santo Monumentale
The Cemetery, forming a backdrop to the Cathedral place on its north side, was the last monument to be built, beginning in 1277 under Giovanni di...
Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
Piazza del Duomo - Cattedrale di Santa Maria
The earliest mention of the cathedral dates from 748, although there must have been an older bishop’s Church, given that a bishop is known in Pisa...
Pulpito, lampadario e cupola all'interno della cattedrale
Piazza del Duomo - Cattedrale di Santa Maria, Interno
The cathedral is shaped like a Latin cross, with a central nave terminating in an apse and four side aisles and a transept of three aisles. The...
Torre Campanaria
Piazza del Duomo - La torre pendente
On 9th August 1173, work began on the foundations of the bell tower for the Cathedral of S. Maria. It is about 56 metres tall and weighs 14.453 metric...
Interno - Museo delle Sinopie
Cathedral Place, Museum of Preparatory Drawings
The premises of the museum were once the ancient Spedale Nuovo, built in mid 13th century, by will of Pope Alexander IV as a “pellegrinaio”...
Interno - Museo dell'Opera del Duomo
Cathedral Place, Opera Museum
In the 9th century the museum premises housed the Canons; the cloister dates from the 1200s and the building changed use several times. Restoration in...
Piazza del Duomo (R. Bettini, Comune di Pisa)
Cathedral Place - Archaeological Excavations
Over the last seventy years numerous archaeological campaigns have been carried out in the Cathedral Place. The enormous quantity of data gathered on...
Mura Pisa
City walls
In the twelfth century Pisa was located in the center of an area in which four user areas of its seaport converged: the Versilia, the Lucca area, the...
Pisa Jews Cemetery
Cimitero ebraico
The Jewish cemetery was created in 1674 on land conceded by Grand Duke Ferdinand II. It is outside the city walls beside Porta del Leone.The monuments...
 Palazzo della Carovana
Palazzo dei Cavalieri di Santo Stefano / Palazzo della Carovana
The medieval Palazzo degli Anziani was originally a tower, that can be seen on the façade on via Consoli del Mare. Itwas adapted and rebuilt by...
 Piazza dei Cavalieri - Palazzo dell’orologio
Piazza dei Cavalieri: Palazzo dell’Orologio
Palazzo dell'Orologio stands on land that was already inhabited by the Etruscans. It was created by connecting two medieval buildings and underwent...
Palazzo della Canonica (M. Del Rosso, Comune di Pisa)
Palazzo della Canonica, The Canons’ Palace
In 1567 Cosimo I donated the medieval buildings standing between via Ulisse Dini and via S. Frediano to provide quarters for the Knight-priests, an...
Torre Santa Maria
Cathedral Place - Medieval Walls and Gates
To the west and north of the Cathedral Place are the medieval walls, framing the lawn around the three Romanesque monuments. Beginning from the west,...
Tumulo del Principe etrusco
The Etruscan Tomb at San Jacopo
This is a monumental funeral complex, centered on a large mound measuring thirty meters across. Around it is a circle of stones and beyond this, a...
