/ Santa Maria ovest

Sede Del Museo
Sede del museo - Vecchi Macelli e Museo del Calcolo (Gabriele Gattiglia)

This route enables us to discover a particular face of what was the Marinara republic of Pisa. The area west of Santa Maria offers to the visitor the place with vigorous shipbuilding activities and trade that led to Pisa wealth and power. In addition to this you can visit the area of the Old Bakery, one of the industrial areas of the early nineteenth century.

Edited by: Comune di Pisa
Last update: 24/03/2021

Itinerary: Santa Maria ovest

Arsenali Medicei (Museo della Navi Romane)
Arsenali medicei
It was Cosimo I de' Medici’s idea to build a shipyard in Pisa for the vessels of the powerful Tuscan fleet. It was part of a wider scheme to restore...
Navate con archi a sesto acuto - Arsenali repubblicani (R. Cardini)
Arsenali repubblicani
The first reference to a shipyard in Pisa is in the early 1200s when the city dock was constructed to the west, immediately outside the walls. It was...
Veduta Torre della Cittadella - Fortilizio (G. Bettini, Comune di Pisa)
Citadel Tower and Old Citadel
The 13th century was a time of military victories and flourishing sea trade for Pisa. Shipbuilding in the dockyard area (repubblican arsenal)...
Sede Del Museo
The Old Slaughterhouse and Museum of Calculating Machines
The building that houses the Museum of Calculating Machines was once the town slaughterhouse. It was completely renovated and re-styled in the late...
