The city, second capital of the Duchy of Tuscany after Florence, was chosen by Cosimo I de’ Medici and his sons as the winter seat of the Medici court. There were many Renaissance and Mannerist artists who worked for the Medici family in Pisa, including the sculptor Pierino da Vinci, grandson of the Renaissance genius Leonardo da Vinci, Pietro Francavilla, a pupil of the Flemish sculptor Giambologna, the painter, architect and art historian Giorgio Vasari and others, who redeveloped the look of the city.
This itinerary offers the opportunity to know an alternative city, characterised by sumptuous city residences, beautiful works of art and urban planning, and important redevelopment works.
Have a good visit of Medicean Pisa!
The Medici Villa of Coltano is not part of the city pedestrian circuit and can be reached by public or private transport.