/ "Pisa is" museums

Madonna del Latte _ scultura in marmo, Andrea Pisano (Museo Nazionale di San Matteo)
Madonna del Latte _ scultura in marmo, Andrea Pisano (Museo Nazionale di San Matteo)

The wealth of a city lies in its history and in the historical testimonies it has managed to preserve. The history of Pisa and of the many personalities who lived in this place and have contributed to enhancing the city with their works, is today celebrated in the many and varied museums that characterize it with their uniqueness and beauty.

This route will lead you through the centuries of history that the city has gone through. You will be able to walk among the recently discovered ancient ships, visit historic palaces and religious buildings that house works of art of all ages or in which figures such as Galileo Galilei resided and worked, discover the skeletons of huge dinosaurs and large cetaceans in a frame of incomparable beauty such as the Cistercian Charterhouse of Calci, and see works of modern human ingenuity in the museums of the Pisa University and the Piaggio museum in Pontedera. 

Enjoy your visit!

The Piaggio museum in the town of Pontedera, the Certosa di Pisa museum and the adjoining museum of Natural History, in the village of Calci, are not part of the city pedestrian circuit and can be reached by public or private transport.

The Titta Ruffo collection is exhibited on the top floor of the Verdi Theater. You can view it if you are attending a show or upon express request, by contacting the ticket office or the information office of the theater. It is advisable to check the correspondence of the opening hours by contacting the theater directly.

Visits to the Giuseppe Toniolo House Museum are organized on request and are carried out by a specialized Cooperative.

Finally, we would like to inform you that the Museum of Calculation Instruments and the Museum of Physics Instruments are temporarily closed for renovations.

Itinerary: "Pisa is" museums

Esterno museo (Museo delle Aviotruppe)
Paratrooper Museum, via di Gello
A small museum dedicated to the history of Italian paratroopers
Sinopie _ Museo delle Sinopie (Opera Primaziale di Pisa)
Sinopie Museum
Unique in the world, inside the medieval hospital
Interno - Museo dell'Opera del Duomo (Opera Primaziale di Pisa)
Opera della Primaziale museum
The art that made the history of Pisa
Interno museo di Anatomia Umana (Museo di Anatomia Umana)
Medical School and Museums of Human and Pathological Anatomy
The history of Pisan medicine in search of the most curious pathologies
Esterno (Museo Orto botanico)
Botanical Garden, via Luca Ghini
The oldest in Europe, founded in 1543 by Luca Ghini and financed by Cosimo I
Ingresso dell'edificio su Via Santa Maria - Domus Galilaeana (G. Bettini, Comune di Pisa)
Domus Galilaeana
A scientific archive, from Galileo to Enrico Fermi
Il miracolo degli impiccati, Raffaello e aiuti ( Mibact-Direzione regionale musei della Toscana)
Royal Palace, Lungarno Pacinotti
The Pisan Uffizi, the Grand Ducal palace where one can get lost among works of art by Bronzino, Raffaello and Rosso Fiorentino
Museo degli Strumenti per il Calcolo, vecchi macelli (L. Corevi, Comune di Pisa)
Museum of Calculation Instruments and Museum of Physics Instruments, in the old slaughterhouses
In search of the first and oldest electronic calculator in Italy
Una delle navi restaurate (Museo Navi Romane)
Arsenals and Cittadella
The Arsenals and the Museum of Ships
Facciata Chiesa di Santa Maria della Spina e Lungarno (A. Matteucci)
Church of Santa Maria della Spina
A small church, a jewel of Gothic art, dismantled and reassembled
Palazzo Giuli-Rosselmini-Gualandi _ Palazzo Blu (A. Matteucci)
Palazzo Blu, lungarno Gambacorti
A museum of great wealth, with Artemisia Gentileschi as the protagonist
 Facciata su Via D'Azeglio - Domus Mazziniana (A. Matteucci)
Domus Mazziniana, via Mazzini
A library, a historical archive and a museum inside the house where Giuseppe Mazzini died
Palazzo Lanfranchi _ Museo della Grafica (G. Bettini, Comune di Pisa)
Palazzo Lanfranchi, lungarno Galilei
The Graphics museum that hides the secret of Mary Shelley
Casa Museo di Giuseppe Toniolo (L. Corevi, Comune di Pisa)
Giuseppe Toniolo House Museum
Humble and simple, as was the great economist and sociologist
Particolari sala interna (Museo Anatomico Veterinario)
Veterinary Anatomical Museum
A journey through the veterinary anatomy of the nineteenth century
Abside e campanile - Chiesa S. Michele degli Scalzi Abside e campanile - Chiesa S. Michele degli Scalzi (L. Corevi, Comune di Pisa)
Le Piagge and San Michele degli Scalzi
A 2 km long park where you can find another leaning tower
Museo Nazionale di S. Matteo (G. Bettini, Comune di Pisa)
National Museum of San Matteo
A fascinating journey in the most complete medieval art museum in Italy
Interno - Teatro Verdi (M. D'Amato)
Teatro Verdi (Theatre)
A temple of Opera conceals the large Titta Ruffo collection and remembers Sophia Loren
Riproduzione gruppo scultoreo _ Lacoonte della gipsoteca di Pisa ( Gipsoteca di Arte antica)
Church of San Paolo all'Orto and Gipsoteca
The white marble façade hides the great Gipsoteca (gallery of plaster casts) of Pisa
Particolare( Collezioni Egittologiche dell’Università di Pisa)
Egyptological Collections of the University of Pisa, via San Frediano
A journey to the times of Ippolito Rosellini and Jean François Champollion
Collezione Vespe d'Arte (Museo Piaggio)
Piaggio Museum, Pontedera
The icon of made in Italy, the Vespa!
Museo Storia Naturale La Certosa di Pisa a Calci (S. Puzzuoli)
Museo della Certosa di Pisa, Calci (The Charterhouse of Pisa, Museum)
The Versailles of the Grand Dukes of Tuscany
Museo Storia Naturale Camera delle Meraviglie (S. Battaglini)
Natural History Museum of Calci
One of the oldest in the world
