/ Santa Maria est

Piazza dei Cavalieri (G. Bettini, Comune di Pisa)
Piazza dei Cavalieri (G. Bettini, Comune di Pisa)

A taste of the real city of Pisa: the one with the hidden alleys around Vettovaglie square, with the historic Rossi theatre, now closed, the one with the churches rich in history, the beautiful Cavalieri square, towers and houses, the Galileo’s city and the Universities. A breathe into the past riches.

Edited by: Comune di Pisa
Last update: 20/07/2021

Itinerary: Santa Maria est

Statua raffigurante Mosè, A. Vaccà, XVIII secolo - Palazzo dell’Arcivescovado (F. Anichini)
Palazzo dell’Arcivescovado, The Archbishop’s Palace
The Archbishop's Palace today is the result of re-structuring under the prelate Filippo de' Medici (mid 15th century) by the architects Francione and...
Facciata -  Chiesa di San Torpé (D. Tarantino)
Chiesa di San Torpé
The Church and adjacent convent, belonging to the Frati Umiliati, were founded between 1254 and 1278. In 1584 the construction passed to the Friars of...
Facciata  - Chiesa S. Giuseppe (Lucarelli, wikimediacommons)
Chiesa di San Giuseppe
This Church, founded in 1530, was the first part of a large convent completed in 1534. Between 1707 and 1710 the building was completely reconstructed...
Facciata dal basso- Chiesa di Sant’Apollonia (A. Matteucci)
Chiesa di Sant’Apollonia
This Church, named S. Pietro in 1116, is documented as S. Pietro a Ischia (ad insula) in the second half of the 12th century. In the late 13th century...
Facciata Chiesa Nazionale di Santo Stefano dei Cavalieri (G. Bettini, Comune di Pisa)
Piazza dei Cavalieri
This square is the result of re-styling ordered by Cosimo I in 1558 and entrusted to Giorgio Vasari, who gave the buildings on the square a more...
Chiesa di San Sisto in Cortevecchia
The Church of S. Sisto was built in Cortevecchia in 1087, soon after the Pisan conquest of the Al Mahdiya emporium in Tunisia. On 6th August, in...
Piazza delle Vettovaglie
Piazza delle Vettovaglie
The square was shaped when this part of the town centre was redesigned under Medici rule, between 1543 and 1565.In the middle ages, it was a lively...
Torre del Campano
Campano Tower and other medieval buildings
The most famous building on Via Calvalca is the tall Campano (bell) Tower with pilasters culminating in a pointed arch on the main facade.Walking...
La Casa dell’Ebreo con la Torre del Campano
La Casa dell'Ebreo, The Jew’s House
The building, standing beside the Torre del Campano, is known as the Casa dell’Ebreo (Jew’s House), because from 1407 until the second half of the...
Porticato interno - La Sapienza
La Sapienza
The Foundation Deeds of Sapienza are dated 1472 when Lorenzo il Magnifico repristinated university studies and concentrated lecture halls and the...
Chiesa di San Frediano
The church of S. Frediano is first mentioned in 1061. Between 1076 al 1561 it belonged to Camaldolese monks but later it passed to the Military Order...
Piazza Dante lato est (A. Matteucci)
Piazza Dante
The open space of Piazza Dante is the result of alterations to this area in the early 20th century. The airy square we admire today was created by...
Particolare dei palchi e della scena - Teatro Rossi (A. Sobrero)
Rossi Theatre
This is one of the public theatres in Pisa. It was built in 1770 in the Garden of the Old Dispensary (Orto della Dispensa vecchia) close to the Grand...
Veduta Piazza Carrara da lungarno Gamabacorti (L. Corevi, Comune di Pisa)
Piazza Carrara
Originally named Piazza S. Niccola, before re-styling under the Lorraines, this square was the place where, since ancient times, the game of palla con...
Facciata Palazzo Reale
Palazzo Reale, Royal Palace
This palazzo, designed by the architect Bernardo Buontalenti, was built between 1583 and1587 by will of the Grand Duke Francis I de' Medici. Several...
 Facciata Chiesa di San Nicola (G. Bettini, Comune di Pisa)
Chiesa di San Nicola
The Church of S. Nicola is first documented in 1097. The lower part of the front is in typical Pisan Romanesque style with two-tone marble stripes,...
Ingresso Orto Botanico
Orto Botanico, Botanical gardens
Created by order of Cosimo I de' Medici on the iniziative of the great botanist, Luca Ghini, the Giardino dei Semplici (Garden of Simples) is the...
Edificio Domus Galilaeana
Domus Galilaeana
The Domus Galilaeana occupies the ancient Palazzo della Specola, belonging to Pisa University. Built in 1734-35, it was the earliest public...
Scorcio Piazza Sant'Omobono (A. Matteuci)
Piazza Sant’Omobono and Church of San Pietro in Palude
This area was probably already settled in Roman times and was partially inhabited in the early middle ages when, because of changes in the weather...
Facciata - Chiesa di San Ranierino (A. Matteucci)
Chiesa di San Ranierino
Built in (1865-1868) and designed by Paolo Folini, this Church replaced the 16th century Church of the same name in Piazza del Duomo. It is on the...
 Ospedale di Santa Chiara dalla piazza del Duomo (A. Matteucci)
Complesso dell’Ospedale Santa Chiara
The story of the New Hospital (Ospedale Nuovo) begins in 1257 when Pope Alexander IV revoked the interdiction cast on the Pisans by Pope Gregory IX....
Complesso Miniati Mazzarosa - Via S. Maria (A. Matteucci)
Via S. Maria, meridione
On the corner of via Galvani is palazzo Agonigi da Scorno. It was re-built by Sampaolesi in the 20th century from the ruins of a 12th century...
