Chiesa di San Giuseppe

Founded in 1530, this church, belonging to the Gesuate sisters of Lucca, was consecrated in 1572. It was the first building of a convent completed in 1534. The building was completely restructured and greatly modified Between 1707 and 1710 under the direction of Giuseppe and Francesco Melani.
The plastered façade is flanked by pilasters culminating in Corinthian capitals, supporting a wide pediment, below which is a large window framed in marble above the doorway, it too framed in marble. Two marble plaques record privileges and honours conferred on the Compagnia del Crocione, and a third recalls restoration work carried out in 1895. A new bell tower was erected in 1710; square in shape, it is built in brick with a gallery in pietra serena.
The rectangular interior is completed by an apse and a choir loft; the church has an exceptional collection mostly of 18th century works of art. Near the entry, two marble putti support a shell-shaped holy water font (mid 18th century) and four half columns with stucco decorations embellish the presbytery.
An oil painting by Ranieri del Pace, representing The Flight into Egypt (1729) hangs above the main altar. The vault of the apse is decorated with the coats of arms of Pisa, the Compagnia del Crocioneand the Misericordia (1955). On the left is a fresco from the school of Giovanni Battista Tempesti, representing the Flagellaton of Christ (early decades of the 19th century). A chapel in the right wall is dedicated to The Most Precious Blood. On the vaulted ceiling is a fresco of the Holy Face and Flight of Angels. (1895) by Ranieri Cardelli. Closer to the entrance is the Perelli altar dedicated to the Holy Shepherdess and a wood and stucco statue of Christ Fallen at The Foot of The Cross, carved by Giuseppe Giacobbi in 1705 for the Certosa and later transferred to this church.