/ San Francesco nord

Particolare Bagni di Nerone (G. Bettini, Comune di Pisa)
Particolare Terme di Nerone (G. Bettini, Comune di Pisa)

A path in the city center which emphasizes the importance of strategic points approaching on tiptoe to historical buildings, squares and cloisters, abbeys desecrated able to surprise and also you can visit an example of the archaeological site in the heart of the city, the only monument of Roman Pisa still emerging.

Edited by: Comune di Pisa
Last update: 24/03/2021

Itinerary: San Francesco nord

Piazza Alberata
Piazza Martiri della Libertà
This square was designed by the architect Alessandro Gherardesca by will of the Grand Duke of Tuscany Ferdinand III, according to the new Restoration...
Chiesa di Santa Caterina
The Church, dedicated to St. Catharine of Alexandria, was built in the early 13th century but it was under the Dominicans (1222) that the building and...
Chiostro Gesuati S Anna
Palazzo della Scuola Sant’Anna
Since 1987 this building has been the headquarters of the Scuola Superiore S. Anna. It, and the church of St. Anna were begun in 1407 by Benedictine...
Chiesa Di S.zeno
Chiesa di San Zeno
The Church of San Zeno is first mentioned in 1029, although alterations to the building began before the 10th and continued until the 12th century....
Esterno - Chiesa di Sant’Anna (D. Stiaffini)
Chiesa di Sant’Anna
The church and nunnery were built by Benedictine nuns from S. Paolo at Pugnano, near Pisa, beginning in 1407. Previously, in 1275 they had moved to S....
Particolare Terme di Nerone (G. Bettini, Comune di Pisa)
Nero's Baths and Excavations in Via Galluppi
Since the 13th century these ruins, known as "Bagni di Nerone" (Nero's Baths) have been associated with Nero, who traditionally had close relations...
Camminamento sulle mura (Mura di Pisa)
Walls and Gate at Parlascio
The city gate and walls at Largo Parlascio were built in 1157, part of the 4th construction lot of the medieval city walls. Porta Parlascio is a...
