Veduta aerea Giardino Scotto_ foto con drone (F. Muzzi)
Scotto Garden
Interno Giardino Scotto (L. Corevi, Comune di Pisa)The Sangallo Fortress, or Cittadella Nuova, rises where the ancient church of Ss. Andrea and Vincenzo in Kinzica (1093) once stood. The base of the bell tower at the entrance to the garden from Lungarno Galilei is only partially visible. The fortress was built starting from 1440, during the first Florentine domination and the government of Cosimo the Elder de’ Medici. The first attribution was to Filippo Brunelleschi who likewise gave the design to the new citadel to close the bridge with the two towers (G.Vasari), even if the intervention of Domenico di Matteo, who was restoring the Cittadella Vecchia at the same time, is more likely. The project was submitted to Francesco Sforza of Milan: a triangular structure with corner towers. With the second Pisan republic (1494) the fortress was partially destroyed and rebuilt only after 1509, with a project by Giuliano da Sangallo who endowed it with three bulwarks, on which cannons were placed to defend the city (even if tradition has it that the cannons were aimed at Pisa, for fear of citizen revolts). With the advent of the Lorraine and the new reforms wanted by Pietro Leopoldo at the end of the eighteenth century, the fortress was abandoned and sold for 4,445 ducats to Gasparre Chiesa. In 1798, it passed to the Livorno shipowner Domenico Scotto who transformed it into a real garden of delights. Military rigour gave way to elegant Kaffehaus, to the long vaulted walk punctuated by large arches, pavilions and places of refreshment. Trees were planted and elegant fragrant flower beds created. Unfortunately, to provide for the opening of the road that was to lead from Piazza Guerrazzi to the new Ponte della Vittoria, in 1934, the western bulwark was cut. Almost at the same time, the two gates on the current Lungarno Fibonacci were opened. Recently, the underground rampartswere restored and brought to light the great gate of San Marco in Guatolongo (XII) of the ancient medieval walls and some pictorial decorations. During the summer, the park hosts outdoor film screenings.