Facciata Chiesa di S. Bernardo (G. Bettini, Comune di Pisa)
Churches of San Giovanni de Fieri and San Bernardo, via Pietro Gori
Facciata Chiesa di S. Bernardo (G. Bettini, Comune di Pisa)On the remains of the ancient hospital of Osnello, mentioned for the first time in 1189, the new church of San Bernardowas builtin 1444. Little remains of the small late-medieval oratory, since between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries it underwent numerous interventions that altered its appearance. The interior still retains three frescoes with Stories of San Bernardo by Tommaso Tommasi and the frescoes Natività della Vergine and Annunciazione by Giovanni Battista Tempesti (1754-1755), the greatest representative of eighteenth-century Pisan painting.