Chiesa Santo Stefano dei Cavalieri
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From October 22nd, 2013, to the next October, extraordinary openings are on schedule at the Church of the Order of St. Stephen’s Knights.
From Tuesday to Saturday, from 10 a.m. to noon, visitors could gain free access to the church, where they will have the opportunity to admire – along with many other art treasures composing a unique cultural heritage – the famous painting depicting The Stoning of Saint Stephen, accomplished by Giorgio Vasari between the years 1569 and 1571 on commission by Cosimo I de' Medici.
This magnificent picture is the only extant work by Aretinian master Vasari to be preserved in Pisa. The masterpiece underwent an accurate and complicated restoration process, which was made possible within the frame of an extensive project involving Esselunga (sponsorship contribution), art historian Alba Macripò (project and direction on behalf of Pisa
Superintendency of Artistic and Cultural Heritage) and Nadia Presenti (coordination). The work is temporarily exhibited on the major altar, where visitors can admire it in all its expressive vitality and artistic beauty. The painting is flanked by an interactive multimedia stand which was developed by the Perceptual Robotics Laboratory at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna and serves the function of providing the public with a shortened, illustrated slide overview of Vasari’s activity in Pisa. This interactive guidance is available also in English and outlines, in a work-in-progress way, both the history of the changes undergone by St. Stephen’s Church and the most significant highlights of the renovation plan aimed at restoring the painting. 
