On 12 and 13 April 2025, the ‘Natural Aquariums. Event with aquarium exhibition, lectures and family activities'.
An aquarium is not just a piece of furniture. Behind the five panes of glass there is a small world of interactions between various organisms that goes far beyond the variety of shapes and colours.
In recent years, man's increasing demand for resources has seriously threatened the survival of many animal and plant species, either through pollution, the destruction of their natural environment to make way for concrete, cultivated fields and livestock farms, or through the introduction of exotic species that have replaced native ones.
As aquarists, we can do little to curb these phenomena, but in our own small way we can show people the animals and their history, to make them understand the strong link they have with their environment: every tiny adaptation that has taken place over millions of years has led these living beings to specialise in their habitat by using its resources without damaging it.
This type of popular approach conveys to a wide audience the importance of protecting each individual environment and the strong impact our actions have in our daily lives.It will therefore be a valuable opportunity to engage directly with people, something that is increasingly rare in this society, in order to communicate that ONE SPECIES IS NOT WORTH ANOTHER! We believe that there is a need to create an event of enthusiasts and for enthusiasts, where we can discuss in person, on several levels, and perhaps hope that the interest will be such that it can be repeated in the future and in several locations.
It will therefore be a valuable opportunity to engage directly with people, something that is increasingly rare in this society, in order to communicate that ONE SPECIES IS NOT WORTH ANOTHER! We believe that there is a need to create an event of enthusiasts and for enthusiasts, where we can discuss in person, on several levels, and perhaps hope that the interest will be such that it can be repeated in the future and in several locations.
Sabato 12 aprile 2025
Saturday 12 April 2025
10.00 a.m. - Greetings
10.30 a.m. - Giacomo Moro Mauretto (Entropy for life) - From your aquarium to the whole world. How a tank can be a profound tool for investigating science.
11.30 a.m. - Jože Vrbančič (Goodeid Working Group) - Allotoca: between aquatics and conservation of an endangered fish.
3.00 p.m. - Gabriele Carnevali (Italian Killifish Association) - Tanzania, a journey in search of the rain fish.
3.30 pm - Luca Dolfi (Italian Killifish Association) - Collecting, incubating and hatching Nothobranchius eggs.
4.00 pm - Workshop - Live setup of a thematic aquarium.
Sunday 13 April 2025
10.30 am - Davide Marino (Italian Betta Association) - Channa andrao, breeding experiences.
11.30am - Livio Leoni (Italian Betta Association) - From Pelvicachromis to Chromidotilapia and back. Breeding African dwarf cichlids.
Info and reservations: on +39 338 9385007 (also via WhatsApp).
Participants in the event will be able to enter the Museum with a reduced ticket at a cost of €7 by presenting the downloadable coupon via this https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-LY8Kdhp67cXhS8C9wQ2k23zkpUMivJO/view.
Entrance to the Museum will be free for members of the associations that collaborated in the realisation of the event.
Event organised by the Natural History Museum in collaboration with:
Acquari Naturali, Acquario.Top, Associazione Italiana Betta (AIB), Associazione Italiana Killifish (AIK), Club Acquariofilo Erpetologico Barese (CAEB), Club Ittiologico Romano ‘Giancarlo Iocca’ (CIR), Gruppo Acquariofilo Salentino (GAS), Associazione Italiana Ciclidofili (AIC), Associazione Acquariofili Abruzzese (AAA), ReefWorld APS.