Colorful: Una estate a Colori al GAMeC - EXTENDED UNTIL 11 SEPTEMBER

Colorful:  Una estate a Colori al GAMeC
Colorful: Una estate a Colori al GAMeC
GAMeC - Centro ArteModerna Pisa
Start date: 
End date: 

From Tuesday 30 July to 11 September 2024, the GAMeC Centro di Arte Moderna di Pisa is hosting ‘Colorful: A Summer in Colour’("Colorful: Una estate a colori"), a group exhibition curated by Massimiliano Sbrana and promoted by the GAMeC CentroArteModerna di Pisa ‘Art Archive’ Collection. 

Colours, which have always been the undisputed protagonists of art, are the universal language that allows artists to express emotions and visions of the world. Since antiquity, every shade has found its place in works of art, becoming a symbol of epochs and cultural movements.

The exhibition curated by Massimiliano Sbrana celebrates this tradition, bringing to light how colours can be used to create poetic transfigurations that capture the attention and stimulate the imagination of the viewer. Each work selected for this exhibition is a journey through the artist's palette, an exploration of how nuances and contrasts can tell stories and arouse feelings.

This exhibition of CONTEMPORARY ART is not only an exhibition of talent, but also an open dialogue between the works and the viewer, inviting personal reflection on the emotional impact of colours. The artists present, all of national level, offer a variety of interpretations and techniques, demonstrating how contemporary art is a fertile ground for innovation and experimentation. The exhibition is therefore proposed as a moment of encounter and cultural exchange, an opportunity to appreciate how colours can transform a blank canvas into a work that speaks to the soul. In this summer event, art becomes a bridge connecting past, present and future, showing how colours have always had and will continue to have a crucial role in our aesthetic perception of the world.

The exhibiting artists (not in alphabetical order): Renzo Sbolci, Marcello Aprea, Ugo Nespolo, Mario Schifano, Luis Schiavo, Gianna Pinotti, Gisella Pasquali, Fabio Mordeglia, Luigi Colombi, Stefano Ballantini, Andrea Bernardoni, Omar Pacini, Alberto Berti.

Of particular note is the large-scale installation entitled ‘Dolmen Nuovo’ by Marcello Aprea (Formia 1953).
Aprea studied at Gaeta High School and graduated in Electronic Engineering in Rome. He worked in the avionics industry, then in education, upper secondary school, and IT and electronics consultancy. He moved to Sassari in 1982, staying there until 1986, after which he settled in Pisa where he married in 1988. Aprea fi rst found in geometry a congenial environment to express his inspirations, later approaching the colours of painting and then sculpture in which he is still engaged. His poetics lies within the MAC strand, the Concrete Art Movement that dates back to the Italian post-war period.

The exhibition will continue until 11 September 2024 with free entrance with opening times: 10 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. from Tuesday to Friday (always check for confirmation). Closed Saturday, Sunday and Monday.