On Friday 7 February and Friday 7 March 2025, at 5.15 p.m., the Museo delle Sinopie presents ‘Un caffè alle Sinopie’ (A coffee at the Sinopie museum), two meetings to discover the heritage of the Opera della Primaziale Pisana and the work of restoration and care.
The initiative takes its cue from the exhibition "Restoration on show. Capolavori dai depositi della Primaziale", which will remain open until Sunday 30 March 2025, and aims to explore the delicate relationship between works of art and their conservation through conferences devoted to specific problems and themes.
After the institutional greetings of President Andrea Maestrelli, on Friday 7 February Cinzia Maria Sicca (University of Pisa) will illustrate the extraordinary frescoes from the Cathedral with the lecture "Nel solco di Raffaello. Perin del Vaga in Pisa Cathedral".
On Friday 7 March 2025, Emanuele Pellegrini (Scuola IMT Alti Studi, Lucca) will hold the lecture "Inventing and copying. Sinopias, drawings, notebooks".
This will be followed by a coffee, offered by the Opera della Primaziale Pisana, during which the staff of the Pictorial Restoration Department - coordinated by Stefano Lupo - will illustrate some of the works in the exhibition, focusing in particular on 7 February on the restoration site dedicated to Battista Franco's Fall of the Manna and on 7 March on the extensive conservation operation of the Sinopie.
The event is free admission.