57th National Crossbow Tournament

57° Torneo Nazionale della Balestra
57° Torneo Nazionale della Balestra
Piazza Duomo
Start date: 
End date: 

The 57th National Antique Crossbow Tournament will take place on Saturday 20 July in Piazza del Duomo!

The shooting benches will be set up in the portion of the lawn of Piazza Duomo, in the corner between Porta Nuova, the Torre del Catallo and Torre del Leone. In addition to the Crossbowmen's Group of Porta San Marco, the Crossbowmen's Company of Lucca, the Crossbowmen's Federation of San Marino, the Terzieri Massetani Society of Massa Marittima, and the Crossbowmen's Society of the City of Volterra will compete. The title of ‘King of the Crossbow 2024’ is up for grabs.

The organisation, organised by the Crossbowmen of Porta San Marco, A.P.S. of Pisa, has the patronage of the Municipality of Pisa, the Region of Tuscany, the Province of Pisa, the Opera della Primaziale Pisana.



3.30 p.m. meeting of the companies at Piazza Arcivescovado and parade framing

3.45 p.m. departure of historical procession from Piazza Arcivescovado and crossing of Piazza dei Miracoli

4 p.m. solemn religious ceremony with blessing of the Cathedral parvis to the Companies

4.15 p.m. greetings from the groups

4.30 p.m. start of the competition between the Crossbowmen Companies

5.15 p.m. detachment of targets, rankings and exhibition of Musicians and Flag-wavers groups

5.45 p.m. start of shooting at the Corniolo of the finalists

6.30 p.m. detachment of horns and second exhibition of musicians and flag wavers

7 p.m. proclamation of winners and ceremony


The trophies will consist of for the overall champion, ‘King of the Crossbow 2024’, the precious Golden Collar to be held for one year donated in 1962 by the Association of Antique Arms Amateurs of Milan. The Palio painted for the occasion by Daniele Bertieri and depicting the Madonna di sotto fli Organi, patron saint of the city of Pisa, will also be awarded to the city to which the overall champion belongs. There will be a gold medal for the overall winner, an artistic trophy for the first Company classified in the team competition, silver medals for all the finalists for the overall title and for all the presidents, masters of arms and F.I.B. councillors. Finally, bronze medals for all participants. Side events at the tournament also included a photographic competition focusing on the valorisation and preservation of ancient crossbow shooting traditions.

Collaborating in the organisation, logistics and security are the volunteer and radio protection association il Falco di Pisa, the National Association of State Police, Pontedera section, the Italian Red Cross, Pontedera section, the Armigeri di Ponte di Sacco, and the Magistratura del San Martino del Gioco del Ponte di Pisa. 

The National Crossbow Tournament is organised on a rotating basis in the five cities that make up the Italian Crossbowmen's Federation, the oldest organisation of antique crossbow enthusiasts established in Arezzo in 1966.
