Tuscan Festival of Ancient Music 2024

Festival Toscano di Musica Antica 2024
Festival Toscano di Musica Antica 2024
Varie sedi
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End date: 

The association Auser Musici presents the Tuscan Festival of Ancient Music, which will be held in Pisa from Thursday, June 27 to Sunday, July 7, 2024.

For 28 years, the association Auser Musici organizes a Festival of Ancient Music in some of the most beautiful places in the province of Pisa to let viewers discover a unique artistic heritage and often less known than the usual trends. The formula of the last editions of the festival was to concentrate the events in one long weekend. During each day there were guided tours, tastings and other events that preceded a first afternoon concert which was always followed by the big evening concert.

The places chosen for the evening concerts are the Church of San Frediano, Monumental Cemetery, Cloister of Wisdom, Museum of Ancient Ships, National Museum of San Matteo, Bastion of Parlascio.

The event is organized under the patronage of the Municipality of Pisa, the contribution of Fondazione Pisa, Banca Popolare di Lajatico and Comune di Barga.

The artistic director of the Festival Carlo Ipata has prepared a program of great resonance.

Here is the program:

Thursday 27 June, 9:30 p.m. at Chiesa di San Frediano -> Orchestra e coro femminile dell'Università di Pisa in "Stabat Mater" by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi.  Free admission.

Friday 28 June

  • 7 p.m. at Camposanto Monumentale -> Auser Musici in "Musicae Vis Mirifica". 

Cost: 10,00€ (including entrance to Camposanto and guided tour at 17:30). For tickets: https://www.vivaticket.com/it/ticket/auser-musici-musicae-vis-mirifica/232140

  • 9:30 p.m. at Chiostro della Sapienza -> "Udite Amanti" by Accademia del Piacere, Fahmi Alqhai and Nueria Rial;

To buy tickets: www.vivaticket.com/it/ticket/accademia-del-piacere-udite-amanti/232137.In case of rain the concert will be held at the Church of San Frediano.

Saturday, June 29, 7 p.m. at Spiaggia del Gombo in San Rossore -> "Ecco mormorar l'onde" of the vocal group Ecclesia; 

To buy tickets: https://www.vivaticket.com/it/ticket/gruppo-vocale-ecclesia-ecco-mormorar-l-onde/232143 (nel biglietto è compreso il trasporto andata/ritorno dal centro visite del Parco di San Rossore fino alla spiaggia. Ore 18:30 ritrovo presso il Centro Visite).

Sunday 30 June

  • 7 p.m. at  Museo delle Navi Antiche di Pisa -> "Tormenti d'Amore" by Antichi Affetti Accademy

Museum ticket for a fee. SEATS SOLD OUT.

  • 9:30 p.m. at Chiostro della Sapienza -> Jordi Savall in "Oriente, Occidente"

To buy tickets:  https://www.vivaticket.com/it/ticket/jordi-savall-oriente-occidente/232135. In case of rain the concert will be held at the Church of San Frediano.

Friday 5 July

  • 7 p.m. at Museo Nazionale di San Matteo -> "Ala guerra ala guerra" by Dulcedo Ardens

To buy tickets: https://www.vivaticket.com/it/ticket/dulcedo-ardens-ala-guerra-ala-guerra/232141 (the ticket includes the entrance to the museum and the guided tour. For those who want to attend the concert only, just show up by 7 p.m., for those who want to take advantage of the guided tour the appointment is for 5.30 p.m. at the ticket office of the Museum)

  • 9:30 p.m. at Chiostro della Sapienza -> "Vivaldi Midsummer Night" by Auser Musici, Carlo Ipata

To buy tickets: https://www.vivaticket.com/it/ticket/auser-musici-vivaldi-midsummer-night/232138. In case of rain the concert will be held at the Church of San Frediano.

Saturday 6 July

  • 6 p.m. at Giardino pensile dell'Ussero di Palazzo Agostini -> "L'arte del plettro" by Ugo Orlandi and Carlo Ipata

To buy tickets: https://www.vivaticket.com/it/ticket/ipata-orlandi-l-arte-del-plettro/232142. The ticket includes a guided tour in one of the following three rounds: 5.30 p.m., 6.15 p.m. and 7 p.m..

  • 9:30 p.m. at Chiostro della Sapienza -> "Round M" byLa Veneziana

To buy tickets: https://www.vivaticket.com/it/ticket/la-venexiana-round-m/232134. In case of rain the concert will be held at the Church of San Frediano.

Sunday 7 July 

  • 7 and 8 p.m. at  Bastione del Parlascio -> "Capriccio e Ragione" by Stultifera Navis Ensemble

To buy tickets: https://www.vivaticket.com/it/ticket/stultifera-navis-ensemble-capriccio-e-ragione/232139. The concert will be preceded by a guided tour included in the ticket price. Visits will start half an hour before each session, then at 6:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m..

  • 9.30 p.m. at Chiostro della Sapienza -> "Imginarium Ensemble" by The Sharp Band

To buy tickets: https://www.vivaticket.com/it/ticket/imaginarium-ensemble-the-sharp-band/232136. In case of rain the concert will be held at the Church of San Frediano.

For more information:

Associazione Auser Musici
