152nd anniversary of Giuseppe Mazzini's death

152° anniversario della morte di Giuseppe Mazzini
152° anniversario della morte di Giuseppe Mazzini
Domus Mazziniana
Start date: 
End date: 

On the occasion of the 152nd anniversary of Giuseppe Mazzini's death, the Domus Mazziniana of Pisa has organised a calendar of events and meetings in collaboration with the Associazione mazziniana italiana for Sunday 10 March.

9.30 a.m. - Piazza Mazzini

  • laying of a laurel wreath at the Monument to Giuseppe Mazzini

10.30 a.m. - Domus Mazziniana 

  • meeting "Giuseppe Mazzini in the history of democracy" with Prof. Eugenio F.Biagini (University of Cambridge)

4.30 p.m. - Domus Mazziniana 

  • free guided tour of the Museum

9.15 p.m. - Domus Mazziniana 

  • "Eco d'un mondo invisibile: liriche da Camera della tradizione italiana" with Francesco Saviozzi at the piano and voice of soprano Ilaria Casai

All events are free admission. Booking required by Friday 8 March by calling +39 050 24174 or eventi@domusmazziniana.it


