A greeting to the summer sun and a welcome to autumn: Saturday, September 23, in the days of the autumn equinox, on the Walls of Pisa teacher Yoga Simila Laiatici of the association 'Ananda Guna K9 ASD' organizes the meditative walk 'Yoga on the Walls at sunset', to welcome the season of rest and regeneration.
Appointment at 17.00 at the Wooden Tower, access to the walls near the riversides behind Piazza del Rosso, for a two-hour journey that leads to Piazza dei Miracoli alternating asanas meditative walk and moments of reflection, practicing conscious breathing that helps to relax, manage emotions and fight stress, to find balance and energy. Grand finale on the most famous square in the world with moments of meditation and relaxation in the most fascinating hour, the sunset, immersed in a panorama that combines architectural beauty and nature.
Ticket 20 euro including entrance to the Walls and the card of the association 'Ananda Guna K9 ASD'.
For information and registration: phone 3924964722, mail ananadagunak9@gmail.com