Lent and Easter Concerts 2023

Concerti di Quaresima e di Pasqua 2023
Concerti di Quaresima e di Pasqua 2023
Start date: 
End date: 

The traditional appointment with the cycle of concerts during the Lenten and Easter period organised by the Cultural Association IL MOSAICO (chaired by Riccardo Buscemi) in collaboration with the Compagnia di San Ranieri, thanks to the fundamental contribution of the Fondazione Pisa, and under the patronage of the Municipality of Pisa and the Municipality of Cascina, is back.

All of high musical quality and originality, they are organised from time to time in different locations in the city: this year the Chapel of Sant'Agata (recently restored by the Municipality), the Church of San Michele in Borgo, the Parish Church of Santa Maria in Cascina, the Church of San Michele degli Scalzi and the former Church of Sant'Eufrasia. Now in its 11th edition, the cycle of concerts not only includes musical and cultural moments, but also offers an opportunity for prayer and meditation during the "strong" season of Lent and the celebration of Easter, the most important solemnity for Christians, the certainty of our resurrection.

The concerts take up the ancient custom of offering moments of reflection and spirituality during the Lenten period (once coinciding with the suspension of theatre activities), borrowing the experience of the Concert Spirituel of the 18th century.

As per tradition, the concerts are free admission, thanks to the fundamental contribution of the Fondazione PISA and those of other sponsors, thus enabling participants to leave their own free and voluntary offering for the diocesan Caritas.

The programme includes no less than 6 concerts (in addition to a stop at the Pisa Prison for inmates).

  1. The Festival opens on Saturday 25 March (Capodanno Pisano) at 9 p.m. in the chapel of Sant'Agata with the Marian prayer 'Ab Incarnatione Christi', with soprano Annarita Dallamarca and bass Pier Maria Piccini, accompanied on piano by Erminia Migliorini.
  2. Sunday 2 April (Palm Sunday) at 9 p.m. in the Church of San Michele in Borgo will feature a performance of G.B. Pergolesi's 'Stabat Mater', with soprano Federica Nardi, contraltist Alessandro Carmignani, and the 'Bei Legami Ensemble' conducted by Pietro Consoloni.
  3. It continues on Tuesday 4 April, Holy Tuesday, at 9 p.m. with a trip to the Pieve di Cascina for the "Reading of the Passion of Matthew" interspersed with polyphonic motets by the Cappella Musicale della Cattedrale conducted by Riccardo Donati.
  4. On Sunday, 16 April, the second Sunday of Easter and Divine Mercy Sunday, at 9 p.m. in the Church of San Michele degli Scalzi, the Mons. Cosimo Balducci Choir conducted by Pietro Consoloni will perform the traditional "Easter Concert" dedicated to Major Nicola Ciardelli, who fell in Iraq on 27 April 2006, and to Maestro Fabrizio Casini, who died in the Covid.
  5. On Sunday 23 April at 5 p.m. in the former Church of St. Euphrasia in Via dei Mille, made available by the University - University Library System, an exceptional performance of Fryderyk Chopin's "Concerto No. 1 for Piano and Orchestra", with Gianni Biccherini at the piano.
  6. The festival closes with the "Spring Concert" of the Filarmonica Pisana Brass and Percussion Ensemble on Saturday 29 April at 5 p.m. in the garden of the Cappella di Sant'Agata.  

For more information, please contact 351-6327668 or write to ricbusc@tiscali.it.

Via Curtatone e Montanara, 11/2
Phone 347 6865378
Piazza San Frediano
Phone 050 577521
Lungarno Gambacorti, 26 p. 4
Phone 328 3545208
Via Tavoleria, 17
Phone 050 579946 050 579819
Lungarno Antonio Pacinotti, 21
Phone 050 544529 ; 389 2359430
Lungarno Pacinotti Antonio, 40
Phone 050 2200423
Via L'Arancio, 48
Phone 050 41057
La Stanzina di G.D.P. snc
Via Curtatone E Montanara, 9
Phone 050 42528
