Christmas in Pisa 2022

Natale a Pisa 2022
Natale a Pisa 2022
Start date: 
End date: 

Christmas in Pisa lights up with a rich calendar of initiatives, attractions, shows and craft markets.

Christmas lighting and decorations. In spite of increases in energy costs, as in 2020 and 2021, the Municipality will once again be responsible for the entire cost of Christmas decorations and lighting (which this year, compared to previous years, will also involve new streets), necessary to ensure the right festive atmosphere, to entice tourists to visit Pisa and enjoy the city's many beauties, and to be together in an atmosphere of serenity and sharing. In an atmosphere of lights and colours it will be possible to shop in the streets of the city's commercial network and enjoy engaging experiences for families, citizens and anyone who chooses our city.

There are many events scheduled in Pisa for the Christmas festivities, including concerts, markets, theatre performances, and itinerant shows for adults and children. Many events are organised by the Municipality of Pisa, others are coordinated with the trade associations (Confcommercio, Confesercenti), Pro Loco Litorale Pisano, Mura di Pisa, Scuola Bonamici and Teatro Verdi di Pisa. In the city, the exhibitions 'I Macchiaioli' at Palazzo Blu and 'Oltre la macchia - Incisioni di Giovanni Fattori' at Palazzo Lanfranchi are open to the public. The exhibition will be symbolically kicked off on Wednesday 8 December with the lighting of Christmas trees set up in various city squares and along the coastline, including the main one in Piazza XX Settembre. After the years marked by the pandemic, there will also be a return to celebrating New Year's Eve in attendance, welcoming in 2023 with a concert in Piazza dei Cavalieri. The last time this was possible was in 2019, with a performance by Dario Ballantini. Also on 31 December, at midnight, the traditional fireworks will return.

Christmas markets, ice rink and Santa's Factory. From 25 November to 8 January, there will be a Christmas market in Piazza Vittorio, Piazza del Carmine, Logge dei Banchi and Piazza Garibaldi, as well as a 'market' of typical products in Largo Ciro Menotti. A Christmas market is also planned in Via San Francesco from 17 to 24 December.

Other Christmas markets are planned: on 11 December in Tirrenia, in Via Belvedere; on 17 December in Marina di Pisa, in Largo Pontecorvo, and in Via Michelangelo at CEP. From 3 December to 8 January, the ice skating rink in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele. Also in Marina di Pisa, in Largo Pontecorvo, Christmas market, also on Friday 6 January.

At the Arsenali Repubblicani on 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18 December (from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.) the Father Christmas Factory. Opening of the Walls of Pisa every day (except Christmas Day), from 23 December to 8 January.

From Thursday, 8 December 2022 to Tuesday, 10 January 2023, Nativity scene realised in collaboration with La Compagnia di San Ranieri in the Atrium of Palazzo Gambacorti. Every day from 7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. excluding public holidays. Free entrance.

Thursday 8 December
Marina di Pisa, Lungomare - Tirrenia, piazza Belvedere (3.00 to 6.00 p.m.): "Dixie Quartet Christmas" marching band;
Marina di Pisa, piazza Baleari (4.00 p.m.): lighting of the Christmas composition;
Tirrenia, Piazza Belvedere (4.30 p.m.): lighting of Christmas tree;
Calambrone, Eliopoli (5 p.m.): lighting of the Christmas tree;
Pisa, piazza Vittorio Emanuele II - Corso Italia - Borgo (from 4.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.): "Scuola Bonamici", travelling show with Christmas songs;
Pisa, Piazza XX Settembre (6.00 p.m.): lighting of the Christmas tree, followed by "Christmas Carols" by the Bonamici School.

Friday 9 December
Pisa, Piazza la Pera (4.00 and 5.30 p.m.): "Teatro Nazionale di Burattini", puppet show.

Saturday 10 December
Pisa, centro storico (from 3.30 p.m.): "Babbo Natale trampoliere", children's entertainment;
Pisa, Piazza XX Settembre (4.00 pm and 5.30 pm): "Teatro Nazionale di Burattini", puppet show;
Pisa, piazza la Pera, installation of Santa's sleigh;
Pisa, piazzale Donatello, Cep (4 p.m. and 5 p.m.): "Abracadabra", comic magic show
Pisa, piazza Pertini, Riglione (4 p.m.): lighting of the Christmas tree.

Sunday 11 December
Marina di Pisa, Piazza Baleari (3 p.m. and 4.30 p.m.): "Teatro Nazionale di Burattini", puppet show;
Tirrenia (from 3.30 p.m.): "Santa Natale acrobatico";
Pisa, historical centre (from 3.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.): "Pisa in Blu", dance and art performance;
Pisa, piazza Vittorio Emanuele II - Corso Italia - Borgo (from 4.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m.): "Teatrini viaggianti", travelling show;
Pisa, piazza Vittorio Emanuele (from 3.00 pm): "Vieni a fare le tue foto" Christmas ball installation;
Pisa, Via San Francesco (from 4 p.m.): "La via en rose", street entertainment, circus art and circus school.

Friday 16 December
Pisa, Verdi Theatre (9.30 p.m.): "Happy Swing Christmas", Christmas concert.

Saturday 17 December
Marina di Pisa, largo Pontecorvo (from 3.30 p.m.): "Arriva Babbo Natale", entertainment show for children;
Pisa, piazza Vittorio Emanuele II - Corso Italia - Borgo (from 4.00 pm): "Madame Operà", travelling show;
Pisa, Piazza Pertini, Riglione (4 p.m. and 5 p.m.): "Abracadabra", comic magic show

Sunday 18 December
Marina di Pisa, Litorale (from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.): "Carillon Vivente", travelling show;
Pisa, historic centre (from 3.30 p.m.): "Trampolieri", animation show;
Pisa, piazza Vittorio Emanuele II - Corso Italia - Borgo (from 5.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.): "Carillon Vivente", travelling show.

Monday 19 December
Pisa, Parco via Umberto Viale 16, in front of the Gereschi primary school in Cisanello (3.30 p.m.): "Il Canto di Natale", periphery project in dance; at the end "Babbo Natale in furgoncino" gifts for children and music with the Red Cubes.

Tuesday 20 December
Pisa, Parco di via Pagni, Gagno (3.30 p.m.): "Il Canto di Natale", periferie in danza project; at the end "Babbo Natale in furgoncino" gifts for children and music with the Cubi Rossi.
Pisa, Teatro Verdi (9.00 p.m.): "Concerto di Natale", for the Normale Concerts.

Wednesday 21 December
Pisa, Parco via Vecellio al Cep: "Il Canto di Natale", periferie in danza project; at the end "Babbo Natale in furgoncino" gifts for children and music with the Cubi Rossi.

Saturday 24 December
Pisa, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II - Corso Italia - Borgo (from 4 p.m.): "Father Christmas on a sleigh" travelling entertainment;

Wednesday 28 December
Pisa, Cep (near the former powder magazine) circus and acrobat show by the CEPosto per tutti association

Saturday 31 December
Pisa, Piazza dei Cavalieri (from 10.30 p.m. to 11.50 p.m.): "Concert"; 12.00 a.m. toast and New Year's greetings followed (until 2.00 a.m.): musical entertainment
Pisa, Ponte di Mezzo (00.00): firework display

Sunday 1 January
Pisa, Teatro Verdi (6 p.m.): "New Year's Concert

Friday 6 January
Marina di Pisa, largo Pontecorvo (from 3.30 p.m.): "Arriva la Befana", entertainment for children.

Sunday 8 January

Pisa, Lungarni, Lungarni Market, Winter Sales (open all day)
