/ San Francesco sud

Veduta Chiesa e Chiostro di San Francesco
Veduta dai tetti Chiesa e Chiostro di San Francesco (A. Matteucci)

A walk in Pisa least visited. Definitely a path to be surprised by the authentic beauty of the hidden or impressive churches rediscovering the characters that have made the history of the city, such as Galileo Galilei, and also discovering fascinating collection of Gypsotheque. A part of the city worthy of note.

Edited by: Comune di Pisa
Last update: 20/07/2021

Itinerary: San Francesco sud

Scorcio - Piazza Cairoli, o della Berlina (G. Bettini, Comune di Pisa)
Piazza Cairoli, once “dei Cavoli”, later “della Berlina”
The square as we see it it today was designed during the reign of Cosimo I de Medici, suggested by the superintendant Luca Martini. Work was done in...
Facciata S.pietro Vinculis
Chiesa di San Pietro in Vincoli
Originally, the Church of S. Pietro ai Sette Pini (by Seven Pine Trees), mentioned for the first time in 763 AD, stood on this site. No evident...
Interno (decorazione soffitto)
Verdi Theatre
The idea of a new theatre for the town had been circulating since 1830 but the committee elected to choose an architect only came to an agreement in...
Facciata - Sinagoga
The Synagogue
This Synagogue has been the place of worship for the Jewish Community in Pisa since 1595. It stands in an area that already in the 1300s was occupied...
Chiesa di Sant'Andrea in Foriporta (G. Bettini, Comune di Pisa)
Chiesa di Sant’Andrea in Foriporta
The earliest mention of this Church is in 1104. It faces east and the front is in dressed stone blocks. The central nave is taller than the two...
Numero 22 Lapide Pardo Roques
Casa Pardo Roques
Una lapide, posta sulla facciata del numero 22 di via Sant’Andrea, ricorda che in quel luogo il I° agosto 1944 si consumò un terribile massacro:...
Casa natale di Galileo Galilei (G. Bettini, Comune di Pisa)
Casa natale di Galileo Galilei
Because the birth of this great scientist was registered as taking place in the parish of Sant'Andrea, until mid 19th century his birthplace was...
Chiesa e Chiostro di San Francesco
Chiesa e chiostro di San Francesco
The church, documented in 1233, had an important public function: it included a studium, a library and a scriptorium. Work to enlarge it began in 1261...
La Limonaia
The Limonaia behind palazzo Ruschi is a typical example of a construction built to bepart of a large garden “all’italiana”, designed in the 19th...
Facciata - Chiesa di S. Paolo all’Orto
Chiesa di San Paolo all’Orto
The Church is documented from 1086. Augustinian Domenicannuns of via Romea controlled it from 1472 to 1808, when the convent was suppressed. From 1819...
Gipsoteca di arte antica
Gipsoteca arte antica
The University of Pisa collection of plaster casts was initiated (1887) by Gherardo Ghirardini, professor at Pisa University and an important Italian...
S Cecilia Part Saliko
Chiesa di Santa Cecilia
The Church of S. Cecilia was founded in 1102 by Camandolese monks from the nearby church of S. Michele in Borgo. The interior is a single aisle with a...