Free visit to the Museo della Grafica

Visite guidate gratuite al Museo della Grafica
Visite guidate gratuite al Museo della Grafica
Museo della Grafica
Start date: 
End date: 

On the occasion of the 19th edition of Amico Museo. Aria di primavera nei musei toscani (Spring air in Tuscan museums), an initiative promoted by the Region of Tuscany, the Museum is organising free guided tours of the exhibitions Il Trittico del Centenario - Una Commedia Divina - L'Inferno di Claudio Sacchi and Napoleone. Stories between notes and images.

Through books, paintings, graphic works and multimedia products we will discover the fortune that Dante's poem, the Divine Comedy, has had in different historical moments and up to contemporary times.

Box medals, prints, books and documents will instead accompany us on an original and evocative journey dedicated to the image and myth of Napoleon in modernity, between historical memory and imagination.

Calendar of visits

Thursday 19 and 26 May 2022, single round of visits at:


Saturday 4 June 2022, two rounds of visits at:


Guided tours are by reservation only, subject to availability.

Online booking is compulsory at the following link:

Guided tours will last 1 hour. The use of an FFp2 mask is compulsory.

For further information:

