"Pur bella la vita. Musiche nei luoghi storici di Pisa" is the musical review with which the Associations of the students and alumni of the Scuola Superiore "Sant'Anna" intend to bring musical research to some of the most significant historical places in the city of Pisa, with four appointments from February to November 2023 entitled "Nemo Propheta in patria". The quotation, which invites students to seize the taste for new challenges, is painted in the Cloister of San Girolamo. The appointments revolve around four protagonists who, in different ways, offer the public opportunities to come to terms with a new way of understanding musical performance; they pay homage to great artists and in particular to a Pisan, Francesco Filidei, who found his professional 'homeland' abroad; they enhance the historical-artistic sites of Pisa.
First appointment, Sunday 19 March 2023.
At 11.00 a.m., at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Aula III, in Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 33; "Verso Giordano Bruno", Open Meeting with Francesco Filidei.
In the afternoon at 5.00 p.m. at the Museo Nazionale di Palazzo Reale, lungarno Pacinotti 46, Pisa, there will be a musical performance divided into two parts: the first dedicated to the "Proesies", short aphorisms on sardonic and surreal texts that Federico Maria Sardelli and Filidei wrote and composed to break the motionless time of the pandemic; the "Proesies" will be interpreted by the formidable French soprano Jeanne Crousaud interrupted by Marco Lenzi, composer and musicologist. The second part features the trio for violin, cello and piano, a disjointed and composite trio where the three instrumentalists actually come together only in a single piece; performing Berceuse, Lied, Preludio, Filastrocca and Corde Vuote are the celebrated Maurizio Baglini, piano, Cecilia Ziano, first violin of the Lyskamm Quartet and Principal Second in the Rotterdam Philharmonish Orkest and Francesco Dillon, cellist
Francesco Filidei will be present. Admission is free, reservations welcome at purbellalavita@gmail.com.
The event is organised under the patronage of the Municipality of Pisa.