“Le città invisibili” Exhibition Event

“Le città invisibili” Exhibition Event 11 giugno ore 18 a Pisa. La mostra temporanea dei dieci protagonisti arriva a Palazzo Gambacorti.
“Le città invisibili” Exhibition Event 11 giugno ore 18 a Pisa. La mostra temporanea dei dieci protagonisti arriva a Palazzo Gambacorti.
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End date: 

The cultural volunteering workshop promoted and supported by the European project EU Voice, coordinated by CESVOT-Centro Servizi Volontariato Toscana and organised by CSI Solidarietà, "Abitare in città - storytelling in Pisa" has arrived at the finishing line: the works of the ten young foreign immigrant citizens and locals living in Pisa will be visible on 11 June thanks to the patronage of the Municipality of Pisa, which hosts the exhibition-event "Le Città Invisibili", in the Atrium of Palazzo Gambacorti on the Lungarno.

The exhibition -A digital artistic, audiovisual and photographic narration, inspired by the poetics of the writer Italo Calvino in which the talent of the 10 protagonists offers emerging social imprints and interesting food for thought, also facilitating a reading with respect to current cultural and communicative changes in a possible generational and intercultural meeting space on the current perspectives left by the lockdown and the pandemic.

"Invisible Cities" - A journey where invisible cities become visible through the words and stories of the 10 young creators of the multimedia content: Natnael Brazzalotto, Sajan Chaudhary, Arturo Bortone, Anxhela Zhuka, Parsa Ghasemi, Naiara Aldana Julian, Younoussa Haidara, Tommaso Chiappelli, Jafar Talal Kamel Al Shishani, Angelica Pellegrini. In a virtual environment created for the exhibition, urban realities come alive thanks to the storytelling narrated by the protagonists. Through digital communication as collective memory and photography as contemporary art, future perspectives are created, accompanied along the exhibition route by videos of the most significant backstage moments, in the city that becomes the stage for their lives and society.

Miranda Parrini and Emanuela Bristot are the tutors of the project "Abitare in città - storytelling in Pisa", curators and organisers of the workshops with the volunteers, the training course and the final event.

Project - This activity of training, production and cultural sharing was born in the European project EU Voice-European Volunteering and Integration through Cultural Experience, financed by the AMIF fund, with partners from 5 countries. The European project sees groups of citizens working in cultural volunteering activities to encourage greater civic participation by all, especially non-EU citizens, and the formation of a greater sense of community through volunteering.



Live streaming of the event "Invisible Cities" Friday 11 June 2021

on the CSI Solidarity Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/csisolidarieta/

INFO tel. 388 9837739

