Historical Museum of the Air Forces

Museo Storico Delle Aviotruppe Page 0001
Museo Storico Delle Aviotruppe Page 0001
Centro Addestramento Paracadutismo
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The Historical Museum of the Air Forces is the Museum of Italian Parachutists and is located in Pisa in Via di Gello, 138, adjacent to the "GAMERRA" Barracks, home of the Skydiving Training Center.

The Museum began as "Sala Ricordi" on October 24th 1971 and is located inside the "Vannucci" Barracks in Livorno. In 1992 he was transferred to some rooms specially set up inside the "Palazzo del Picchetto" headquarters of the "Bagna" Barracks in the same city. After various vicissitudes, thanks to the interest of the Commanders of the FOLGORE Brigade who led the Great Unit, we arrive at an important relocation of the Museum to the mother house of the Italian military parachuting: the Skydiving Training Center in Pisa. The Museum is spread over 15 exhibition rooms arranged in chronological order, occupies an area of over 800 square meters and collects about 3000 pieces of the most diverse types of material. Uniforms, armaments, coats of arms, badges, soldier's common objects and authentic documents tell the story of the paratroopers thanks also to the donations of veterans of each of every age and their families, who have thus wanted to leave to their posterity a memory of them or their loved ones . It is also a duty to acknowledge the contribution of the National Paratroopers Association of Italy, materializing in the promotion of subscriptions in favor of the Museum and in the research among its members of materials and period relics.


Historical Museum of the Air Forces

Via di Gello, 138 - 56123 Pisa

Adjacent to the "GAMERRA" Barracks, home of the Skydiving Training Center

OPENING HOURS: Tuesday to Saturday 9: 30-12: 30/14: 00-17: 00 - Sunday 9:30 - 13:00 (by appointment only)

CLOSED ON: 1st and 6th January - Easter and Easter Monday - 1st May - From 10th to 20th August - 1st November - 8th, 25th and 26th December.

CONTACTS: museocapar@cepara.esercito.difesa.it; (+39) 050564509 int. 0372 - Cell. 3351887186 - https://www.museoaviotruppe.it/