Giornata europea della cultura ebraica

Sinagoga Pisa 2
Sinagoga Pisa 2
sinagoga di Pisa
Start date: 
End date: 


Sunday, September 15th, Pisa participates in the European Day of Jewish Culture with a series of events to discover and rediscover the history and culture of a community that for over a thousand years has been the protagonist of city life. 'Dreams, a ladder to heaven' is the title of the 2019 edition, a theme that allows us to tell Judaism from different points of view, from the presence of dreams in sacred texts to their role in the mystical tradition up to the interpretations of psychoanalysis, without forgetting dreams as hopes for the future
For the occasion the Synagogue will be open with free guided tours from 10am to 1pm and from 3pm to 7pm, while at the Jewish cemetery it will be possible to participate in free tours with departures scheduled at 10.30am, 11.30am, 3.30pm, 4.30pm, 5.30pm, in collaboration with CoopCulture that since June manages the visits to the two monuments.
In the garden of the Synagogue at 11.00 am, 'Il sogno di Chagall' will be staged, a project for children organized by the Mattinate Burattine di Pisa association. In the afternoon from 3 pm, again in the Synagogue, the conference 'The dream as a metaphor for the ego: from the Torah to psychoanalysis', in memory of Stefania Morini. After the institutional greetings of the president of the Jewish Community of Pisa Maurizio Gabbrielli, of the mayor of Pisa Michele Conti, of the president Cise Fabrizio Franceschini and of the head of CoopCulture Sara Valentina of Palma, we will enter into the heart of the theme starting from the intervention on the dreams of Judaism by Rabbi Gadi Piperno.
Following Giorgia Calò of the Foundation for the Jewish Museum of Rome will talk about Jacob's ladder in Marc Chagall and Mordecai Ardon; Serena Grazzini of the University of Pisa will address the theme of surrealism in the German Jewish authors of the second half of the 20th century and David Palterer of the Jewish Community of Florence will analyze the figure of Peggy Guggenheim, a Jewish patron with the dream of art as a living experience.
The child psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Simona Nissim will conclude with an intervention on the dream as a narration of the inner world. Final greetings with an aperitif based on Kasher specialties. The program also includes guided visits to the oratory of via degli Oleandri in Viareggio: from 10 to 12 and from 15 to 18.
