Within the framework of the Giornate Galileiane (Galilean Days) on 15-16 February 2023, the Department of Culture of the Municipality of Pisa, promotes the event PERFORMING MEDIA: a remote future articulated with a conference-performance on the book-book of the same name, combined with a dialogue between the protagonists and an artificial intelligence, walkabouts-explorations radionomads along the urban routes of PiSigns and a video screening at the Cineclub Arsenale.
Performing Media is an evolutionary concept, it implies a new sensibility that allows us to interpret digital innovation as an expansion of communication possibilities, to act on them and not undergo them. It is a whole world of creative practices that originated in the field of digital cultures and even earlier in research theatre refined to media, both radio and video, in particular with Videotheatre. A phenomenon that has since extended to the most diverse articulations, between performance and multimedia, that measure themselves with the transformations of audiovisual languages. Today, Performing Media is increasingly concerned with the development of interactive, mobile and geo-localised new media technologies. In Performing Media every element is called upon to perform, it is in some way the medium itself but also and above all the relationship between the element and the user that triggers the performance.
The programme:
15 February at 5 p.m.
Sala delle Baleari, Palazzo Gambacorti (Piazza XX Settembre 1)
Performing Media. A remote future.
Performing Talk more than the presentation of a book, curated by Urban Experience and NuvolaProject with Carlo Infante, Gaia Riposati and Massimo Di Leo.
"Performing Media - a remote future. The path of Carlo Infante between Avant-garde Memory and Digital Transition", book/book edited by Gaia Riposati and Massimo Di Leo published by Editoria & Spettacolo
Words and ideas "in projection" in a conversation innervated with video repertoires (on significant moments, performances and installations, of the avant-garde and digital innovation) a three-way dialogue with many echoes, listened to by an artificial intelligence that will end up having its say.
We will then set off on a walkabout to continue the conversation and the peripatetic reflection by extending it to a discussion with all the participants, interweaving words with the expression of the genius loci.
16 February 11 a.m.
Walkabout-exploration radionomade along PiSigns urban routes, with schools.
These are itinerant conversations, characterised by the use of smartphones and headphones connected to a radio receiver (whisper radio), to listen to the voices of the walking-talking heads and prearranged audio repertoires. They are in fact gyms of active citizenship in which one converses "side by side" while looking around, "learning everywhere" to activate workshops of the participated gaze during psychogeographical explorations that follow the paths of PiSigns capable of expressing an innovative model for exploring Pisa and its Galilean ancestry.
4.00 p.m.
Walkabout-exploration radionomade along the urban paths of PiSigns, university
6.00 p.m.
Cineclub Arsenale (Vicolo Scaramucci 2)
From video theatre to artificial intelligence
Video and web screening (60')
https://www.nuvolaproject.cloud/it/performing-media-un-futuro-remoto/ (with images of the first event at the Teatro Argentina in Rome).