Fernando Palagona

Spa Navicelli
Start date: 
End date: 

Anthological Exhibition by G. Fernando Palagano.

G. Fernando Palagano has his roots in Foggia District but has lived in a Pisa since 1961; it was actually here he earned his degree in Humanities. He dedicated himself to visual-related issues. After having worked as a teacher from 1968 to 1981, he acted as a long-term headmaster from 1982 to 2005 in the context of several public schools, both in Pisa and within the Town’s District. He also acted as assistant to the chair of Cinema History and Critics at Pisa University. His encounter with painting and clay modeling as active practices dates back to his early youth; nevertheless, apart from three exceptional occasions, he didn’t start his exhibition career before 2008.

Opening hours: from Monday to Friday, 09 a.m.-06 p.m. Saturday, 09 a.m.-01 p.m.