Concerto Passione secondo Giovanni di Bach

Concerto Passione secondo Giovanni di Bach
Concerto Passione secondo Giovanni di Bach
chiesa dei Cavalieri
Start date: 
End date: 

On Tuesday 12 April at 8.30 p.m., at the beginning of Holy Week, the Church of the Knights will host a prayer and meditation on the last hours of Christ entrusted to Johann Sebastian Bach's "Passion according to John", performed by the San Felice Ensemble directed by Federico Bardazzi. An initiative of the Cultural Association Il Mosaico to pray and collect donations for the Caritas pro-Ukraine emergency.

This is an exceptional event, as the Passion is rarely performed in our city, and in the heart of Holy Week, in this tragic period of war in Ukraine, Jesus' message of love becomes particularly topical and necessary. The concert is meant to be an invocation to God for peace, a prayer that war between the parties will cease immediately. Together with the prayer there will also be charity: during the concert offerings will be collected for Caritas for the Ukraine emergency.

Participation will take place in compliance with anti-Covid regulations: access is permitted to Green Pass holders with a reinforced FFP2 mask.