After the interruption due to the pandemic, returns Amico Museo. Spring air in Tuscan museums, now in its nineteenth edition.
From May 6 to June 5, 2022, the museums of Tuscany will accept the invitation of the Tuscany Region to open their doors with guided tours, presentations of works, special exhibitions, workshops, animations.
Within the same period, on May 14th, there will be the European Night of Museums, an international initiative that provides extraordinary evening openings of European museums on the night of the Saturday closest to May 18th, the International Day of Museums promoted by ICOM (International Council of Museums).
Here, in summary, is the program that the University Museum System of the University of Pisa has created for this special occasion.
Please note that in order to participate in the events, the presentation of the Covid-19 Green Certification (Green Pass base) is mandatory for users over 12 years old.
ORTO E MUSEO BOTANICO - Via Luca Ghini 13 / Via Roma 56, Pisa
Saturday, May 14, 2022, 15:00 - 16:00
A curious goldfinch discovering the Botanical Garden of Pisa
(Activity for families)
What is a little goldfinch doing around the Botanical Garden of Pisa? We will find out by letting ourselves be influenced by the exciting stories of the plants of the Garden: an itinerant journey through readings, riddles and unusual musical accompaniment.
Duration: about 90 minutes
Cost: 10 euros (The cost includes the activity and the educational guide for children.
"A curious goldfinch discovering the Botanical Garden and Museum of Pisa" Volume I)
Recommended age: 7-11 years
During the activity will be given the first volume of the educational guide for children of the Botanical Garden and Museum. To participate in the initiative, reservations are required while places are available.
Reservations: educazione.ortomuseobot@sma.unipi.it
(by 11:00 a.m. on Friday, May 13) Activities by reservation only
while places are available
The activity will take place outdoors and in case of bad weather will be postponed.
Wednesday, May 18, 2022, 15:45, Aula Savi
On the occasion of the Fascination of Plants Day and the International Day of Museums promoted by ICOM, and as part of the events of "Amico Museo 2022", the Botanical Garden and Museum will host the Award Ceremony of the Fi/oTO 2022 Photo Contest, organized every year by the Botanical Garden and Museum.
The 30 deserving works of this edition can be seen and voted on the Facebook page of the Botanical Garden and Museum and on the Instragram profile of the Botanical Garden and Museum: the 12 photos that have obtained the most likes will be published in the 2023 calendar of the Botanical Garden and Museum and will be the subject of a photographic exhibition in the halls of the Botanical Museum.
Friday 20, Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 May 2022
Participation in the national activity of the Italian Botanical Society related to a course on plant identification on the occasion of World Biodiversity Day (May 22). The Botanical Garden and Museum will welcome 20 of the participants for the hands-on activities scheduled for May 21 and 22.
Saturday, May 21, 2022, 3:00 p.m.
Botanical Saturday
As every third Saturday of the month, there will be a guided tour dedicated to the precious collections of the Botanical Garden and Museum to discover a unique heritage that changes with the seasons.
Guided tour by reservation only, subject to availability.
Reservations must be made by 11:00 a.m. on Friday, May 20 at the following e-mail address: educazione.ortomuseobot@sma.unipi.it
Cost: 8 euros per person - free under 6 years old
The visit will start with a minimum of 6 paying participants
Monday 30 and Tuesday 31 May 2022
Botanical illustration classes with Silvana Rava, second meeting of botanical painting
EGYPTOLOGICAL COLLECTIONS - Via San Frediano 12, Pisa [First floor].
May 14th, 2022
A night at the Egyptological Collections
On the occasion of the "European Night of Museums" will be organized guided tours by appointment during the opening night to discover one of the richest collections of Egyptian antiquities in Tuscany.
Guided tours in three shifts at
Free event by reservation only, subject to availability, not accessible to disabled people.
Online reservation required www.egitto.sma.unipi.it/prenotazione-eventi-speciali
Guided tours will last 30 minutes.
MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY - Via Roma 79, Calci (Pisa)
Check the events on the official website of the MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY
GYPSOTECA OF ANCIENT ART - Piazza San Paolo all'Orto 20, Pisa
May 14th, 2022
A night at the Gipsoteca
On the occasion of the "European Night of Museums" the Gipsoteca di Arte Antica will be open in the evening.
Events to be defined
MUSEUM OF GRAPHICS - Lungarno Galilei 9, Pisa
Monday, May 9, 2022 at 18.00
On the occasion of the exhibition Il Trittico del Centenario - Una Commedia Divina - L'Inferno by Claudio Sacchi, the Museo della Grafica of Palazzo Lanfranchi organizes the meeting with the art historian Guicciardo Sassoli de' Bianchi Strozzi who will talk about the section Il Trittico del Centenario. Leonardo 1919 Raffaello 1920 Dante 1921, curated by him with Roberto Antonelli and Virginia Lapenta and already set up in Villa Farnesina in Rome.
Free event
Saturday, May 14, 2022
18:00 - Meeting with the artist Stefano Tonelli
On the occasion of the exhibition Manca sempre qualcosa - Pisa pays homage to Pier Paolo Pasolini one hundred years after his birth, the Museo della Grafica of Palazzo Lanfranchi organizes the meeting with Stefano Tonelli, an artist of international importance, who lives and works between Montescudaio and Rome and who has also exhibited in New York, Paris and Lisbon.
On this occasion, the artist dialogues with Paolo Pesciatini, Alessandro Tosi, Massimo Trocchi, Nicola Micieli, Fabio Lazzeri and Fabio Canessa.
Free entrance
Night of Museums - Extraordinary opening until 10:00 p.m.
Free admission
Thursday 19th and 26th May 2022
Guided tours to the current exhibitions at
Free event by reservation subject to availability.
Online reservation is required at the following link www.museodellagrafica.sma.unipi.it/prenota-visite-online
Guided tours will last 1 hour.
Saturday, May 28, 2022, 4:00 p.m.
A journey through time
Activity for families inspired by the current exhibitions, 4pm
Free event by reservation subject to availability.
Reservations required at:
Saturday, June 4, 2022
Guided tours of current exhibitions in two shifts at:
Free event by reservation subject to availability.
Online reservation is required at the following link www.museodellagrafica.sma.unipi.it/prenota-visite-online
Guided tours will last 1 hour.
EXHIBITION HELLO WORLD! (organized by the University of Pisa and the Museum of Computing Instruments)
Polo Le Benedettine - Piazza San Paolo a Ripa d'Arno, 16
Events to be defined
SCIENTIFIC LUDOTECA (Museum of Physics Instruments) - Largo Spadoni/ Via Bonanno Pisano, 2/b
May 20 and 21: Full of light
Free guided tours by appointment, evening seminar and theatrical performance
Friday, May 20th
three rounds of guided tours of the Ludoteca and optics workshops (polarization, solar panel and accumulator) and workshop by Barbara Adinolfi and Leonardo Ciaccheri of the IFAC-CNR Institute: "Controlling food quality by analyzing the infrared spectrum".
15:00 -16:00
16:00 -17:00
17:00 -18:00
And at 21:00
Seminar "Sailing with light", Andrea Macchi, National Institute of Optics, CNR.
Saturday, May 21
three rounds of guided tours of the Ludoteca optics laboratories (polarization, solar panel accumulator)
And at 16:00 and 17:00
Performance by Elisa De Luca: "4+2+2. The Impact of Time."
Event duration/average visit duration 1 hour visit and workshop, 2 hours the seminar
Free admission, with reservations required at ludotecascientifica@gmail.com
MUSEUM OF HUMAN ANATOMY - Medical School, Via Roma 55, 56126 Pisa
Friday, May 27, 2022, 15:30 - Medical School, Aula Massart
Presentation of the book by Daniele Monnanni, La mummia di Livorno. The story of Gaetano Arrighi.
The incredible human story of the man who became a mummy.
Followed by a guided tour of the Museum of Human Anatomy.
Free entrance with compulsory reservation at
MUSEO ANATOMICO VETERINARIO - Viale della Piagge 2, Pisa
May 24, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Department of Veterinary Sciences, Aula A
The dromedaries of San Rossore: their historical link with the city of Pisa
During the visit to the Museum, the history of the link between the dromedaries housed in the park of San Rossore and the history of the city of Pisa will be proposed thanks to iconographic material and to the exhibition of anatomical finds of these animals collected over time in the Museum.
Free admission with compulsory reservation at
MUSEUM OF PATOLOGICAL ANATOMY - Medical School, Via Roma 57, Pisa
May 24, 2022, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
ON-LINE Conference
Against an invisible enemy. Archaeology of cholera in Tuscany
In the conference we will discuss the archaeological research of the Division of Paleopathology done on two Tuscan cholera cemeteries and the results that emerged from the study of the burials, touching on topical issues such as the relationship between emergency health regulations and population acceptance/rejection of health impositions.
The link to follow the conference will be communicated shortly.