Internet festival 2020

Internet Festival 2020
Internet festival 2020
Centro storico di Pisa
Start date: 
End date: 

Prestigious university city and international reference for many subjects of knowledge; Pisa confirms its vocation for research and analysis of possible scenarios of the future, with initiatives of interest and media depth. Now in its ninth edition, for three days in October, the Internet Festival represents the only real event that in Italy tackles with scientific clarity a topic that is certainly not easy to analyze, even in a future key.

Various locations scattered throughout the city for dozens of events that will allow the public to have a clearer picture of the potential for development of the network, its considerable margins of new uses, but also on the many critical issues that it suffers from and on the solutions to be adopted to exploit the useful potential and inhibit the misleading one.

In addition to the rich program of seminars, workshops, exhibitions and presentations, the training and educational paths of the area called T-Tour (Tutorial Tour) are worth mentioning. The objective of the T-Tours is to stimulate the curiosity to know what digital innovation is and to propose useful tools to orientate oneself in the boundless world of the Net and technology. They are a journey through innovation, to discover the possible forms of the future and in the name of the digital revolution.

For info and assistance on reservations call 392 9725420 or send an email to

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