Stazione Leopolda
Start date:
End date:
Ganzo Comics returns to the Stazione Leopolda in Pisa, the event will take place
- Friday 7 July from 5 p.m. to midnight
- Saturday 8 July from 12 noon to midnight;
- Sunday 9 July from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.;
Throughout the weekend there will be exhibitors of comics, cosplay, k-pop, board games, role-playing games, videogames, gadgets and food trucks.
Tickets can be bought directly at the event.
Admission full price € 6.00,
5.00 € for under 18s
Free of charge up to 8 years of age
For further information on the event: Valerio Capuzzi +39 327 4521785 or ganzocomics@gmail.com and to consult the programme www.ganzoeventiculturali.it