National Gathering of Sailors of Italy September 2023

Raduno Nazionale dei Marinai d'Italia settembre 2023
Raduno Nazionale dei Marinai d'Italia settembre 2023
Start date: 
End date: 

Pisa will host the National Gathering of Sailors of Italy on 23 and 24 September 2023

The four-yearly event, which has been missing from Tuscany (Florence) since far-off 1970, organised by the Associazione Nazionale Marinai d'Italia (ANMI) through the Gruppo Marinai di Pisa (Pisa Sailors' Group), will count on the extensive participation of the Italian Navy and will see thousands of Sailors and their families converge.

As part of the Gathering there will be several initiatives, which from 17 to 24 September will make Pisa the 'Capital of Italian Sailors'. During this week, called 'Settimana del Mare' (Sea Week), the city will experience institutional exhibitions, ceremonies, conferences, a concert by the Italian Navy Band, activities at sea for students, a 'Cittadella del Mare' (Citadel of the Sea), and the exciting and enthralling parade along the Lungarni (embankments) of thousands of Italian Sailors, scheduled as the final event on the morning of Sunday 24 September.

The ANMI is an Association of Arms, which with its 33,000 members (over 400 Groups in Italy and abroad) is recognised as the jealous guardian of Italian maritime history and traditions, is immersed in the present and is ready to make a concrete contribution to the community and works continuously in favour of the new generations. The National Group of Sailors of Italy of Pisa, founded in 1956, is named after the Bronze Medal for Military Valour, Second Lieutenant Mario NALDINI (Pisano). Its headquarters is located on Lungarno Fibonacci no. 1 and its War Memorial is in Largo Marinai d'Italia (Porta a Mare near the Sostegno). The Group has shown attachment and pride in its City, integrating perfectly into the city's social fabric. Since 2018, it has also volunteered, two days a week, to open and inspect the Church of Santo Stefano dei Cavalieri, thus reopening it to citizens and tourists visiting the city.


Sunday 17 September

  • 10 am, Stazione Leopolda: inauguration of institutional exhibitions MMI, ANMI, Modellismo. Godmother Dr. Isabella Campagnol.

Monday 18 September

  • - Morning, MMI/ANMI school conferences (to be repeated for a few days).

Tuesday 19 September

  • 9.45 am Calci, La Gabella locality: commemoration and wreath laying in memory of the Fallen of Monte Serra; to follow, Holy Mass at the parish church of Calci and visit to the shrine on Monte Serra.
  • 4 pm, Pisa Museum of Ancient Ships: panel lecture "Configuration of military and logistic ships in the 1st and 2nd centuries A.D.", by team admiral Cristiano Bettini; followed by lecture "Gli scavi delle Navi Antiche a San Rossore", by professor Andrea Camilli, director of the museum.

Wednesday 20 September

  • 9.30 am - 12.30 pm, Marina di Pisa, Piazza Sardegna (internal/external waters of the outer breakwater): "Sea rescue exercise" for students, organised by the Coastguard/rescue associations/C.R.I. (activities with dogs, jet skis, boats, helicopters with rescuers); Sailing school/simulator for students, organised by the Lega Navale section of Pisa.
  • 4 pm, Uliveto Terme municipal stadium: Match of the Heart between the MMI, Marina Nord and Pisa Sporting Club Primavera teams, for charity. The proceeds will be donated to the CC.RR.II. of Uliveto Terme and San Giovanni alla Vena and the Misericordia of Vico Pisano.

Thursday 21 September

  • 4 pm, Stazione Leopolda: photography competition and student competition awards ceremony.
  • 5 pm, Pisa Museum of Ancient Ships: conference 'Heroes at sea, the exploits of the Royal Navy in the Great War' by Professor Marco Gemignani.
  • 7 pm, Hotel Duomo: conversation "Il rancio di bordo - da Noè alle portaerei" (Ship's Meal - from Noah to the aircraft carriers), organised by the Rotary Club Pisa Galilei to raise funds for the "Pediatric Oncology Project in Kosovo", promoted by the Nicola Ciardelli - Odv and Ets association. (for membership:

Friday 22 September

  • Time to be defined, Port of Livorno: visits on board the Naval Units at berth. Presence (until Sunday 24) in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II of the Marina Militare's Mobile Information Centre (C.M.I.);
  • 10 am, Ponte di Mezzo: official flag-hoisting of the XXI Raduno nazionale dei marina d'Italia.
  • 11 a.m., Porta a Mare in Largo Marinai d'Italia: unveiling of the rally's commemorative plaque, donated by the ANMI presidency to the Pisa Group, wreath-laying at the sailor monument
  • 4 pm, Palazzo dei Dodici in Piazza dei Cavalieri: conference 'Pisa, il riflesso del Mare' (Pisa, the reflection of the Sea), by Professor Gabriella Garzella.
  • 6 pm, Church of San Sisto: Holy Mass.

Saturday 23 September

  • Time to be defined, Port of Livorno: visits on board the Naval Units at berth.
  • 9 am - 3 pm, Officine Garibaldi: A.N.M.I. national assembly.
  • 10.30 am, Marina di Pisa: sailing regatta, trophy XXI Raduno Nazionale Marinai d'Italia, (Marina di Pisa - Luminella - Ship Light - Marina di Pisa). Registration fees for participation in the Regatta donated by the Lega Navale di Pisa section in favour of the Istituto Andrea Doria Assistenza Orfani Marina Militare.
  • 5.00 pm, Verdi Theatre: concert by the M.M.I. Musical Band.
  • 5.30 pm, Port of Pisa: prize-giving ceremony of the Regatta.
  • 9 pm, Stazione Leopolda terrace: Vin d'honneur for the authorities.

Sunday 24 September

  • 9 am- 1 pm, Lungarni: review and parade of the Navy departments and A.N.M.I. groups along the South Lungarno, from Piazza San Paolo a Ripa d'Arno to Ponte della Fortezza.
  • Afternoon, Port of Livorno: visits on board the Naval Units moored.
  • 6 pm, Ponte di Mezzo: flag lowering ceremony.