Marina Slow 2023

Marina Slow 2023
Marina Slow 2023
Circolo Il Fortino
Start date: 
End date: 

From Sunday 20th to Sunday 27th August the Marina Slow events return. The new edition of the eco-gastronomic festival is organized by the circle Fortino Marina and Slow Food Pisa and Pisan Hills, under the patronage of the City of Pisa and CNA, and the support of Marina Development Corporation and Unicoop Florence and the collaboration of the Erasmus Library of Pisa.

Eight evenings of good food, at the Fortino Club of Marina, with music, in addition to the presence of counters with local products and short chain, but also a time, with different guests, to discuss environmental issues. In this edition we will talk about the cost of the future, climate crisis and well-being of humanity, with a space for reflection between the choices of today and the possibility of having a better future of life. But not only, Marina Slow will also host exhibitions and books, tastings, aperitifs and dialogues, also suitable for children with a play area entirely dedicated to them.

The program: (every evening, taste workshop and music)

Sunday, 20th August, evening dedicated to the memory of Afo Sartori with the participation of Cantina Jazz.

Monday, 21st August, 18.30: taste workshop; 21.00 dialogue with Pino Fusco on "Meat consumption and sustainability"; 22.00: music with Alma Pisarum Choir.

Tuesday, 22 August, meeting with Paolo Malacarne and Claudio Fiaschi

Wednesday, 23rd August, meeting with Cinzia Scaffidi

Thursday, 24th August, meeting with Fabrizio Bianchi

Friday, 25th August, meeting with Collective FIAB

Saturday 26th August, meeting with Yuri Galletti and Francesca Cugnata

Sunday, 27th August, meeting with Enzo Pranzini

Space to the kitchen with the possibility to dine every evening at the Circolo 11 Fortino savoring dishes of our traditions with zero kilometer products and the presentation of books, thanks to the collaboration with the Erasmus Library of Pisa.

The first meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 21 (19.00), with the presentation of the book "Jordan Fountain Pen" by Alessandro Agostinelli (ETS).

Via Francesco Barbolani - Marina di Pisa
Phone 050 311084-6 - 347 4554426
Via F. Barbolani, 22 P.1° - Marina di Pisa
Phone 338 1372085
Via Maiorca, 32 - - Marina di Pisa
Phone 050 35811
Maiorca, 93 - Marina di Pisa - 56128
Phone 050 34148