In the historic Art Nouveau residence overlooking the port of Marina di Pisa, the Antonella Scarfone Art Gallery reopens the autumn season with a temporary exhibition of artists from the national and international scene. The group show that will be set up inside the 19th-century Villa Romboli in Via della Foce is entitled "LA FAVOLA BELLA" (The beautiful fairytale) - Homage to Gabriele D'Annunzio and Eleonora Duse.
The inauguration is scheduled for Friday, 20 October at 4.30 p.m., then the exhibition will be open to the public for the entire weekend: 20 - 21 - 22 October from 4 - 7 p.m. The title is a clear reference to D'Annunzio's poem "La pioggia nel pineto".
The exhibition is in fact a tribute to Gabriele D'Annunzio and Eleonora Duse, the two most illustrious guests of the ancient residence. The works on display will interpret the poet's ode in an artistic key. In fact, 9 canvases and 4 sculptures by different artists represented by the gallery (Massimo Barlettani, Rossana Borzelli, Rosso Emerald Crimson, Francoise De Felice, Alba Dieni, Aiden Kringen, Filippo Manfroni, Paolo Medici, Carlo Romiti, Paolo Staccioli) have been chosen, and each work is associated with a verse, in a harmonious comparison of genres. A perfect symphony within an evocative location that after so much time has managed to keep its original elements intact, from the external friezes to the floors and frescoed vaults.