Fiera degli Scalzi 2024

Fiera degli Scalzi 2024
Fiera degli Scalzi 2024
Start date: 
End date: 

From Friday 27 to Sunday 29 September 2024, from 10.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m., the Viale delle Piagge will be the theatre of the Fiera degli Scalzi, an important event now in its sixth edition.

The Viale delle Piagge will be filled with the colourful harmonies of nature that will transform the picturesque avenue into a great showcase of Italy's food and wine products, the craft and commercial activities of the Italian regions, and also environmental technologies and renewable energies.

More than 40 sectors will be represented, from the food and wine of the regions of Italy to textiles to wood to the recovery of ancient artefacts and modern antiques, and then commercial companies in the most diverse business sectors from leisure time to environmental technologies, fireplaces and ovens, household goods, small electrical appliances and infixes, hardware, alarm systems and home accessories.

Once again this year, there will be numerous side events, from book presentations to exhibitions, theatrical performances and musical shows organised by the Committee and the Convivio Le Piagge association, which for three days will transform the river banks into a large exhibition and entertainment area for all those visiting the fair. 

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