Fiera degli Scalzi 2023

Fiera degli Scalzi 2023
Fiera degli Scalzi 2023
Start date: 
End date: 

From Friday, September 29 to Sunday, October 1, from 10a.m. to 10p.m., on Viale delle Piagge, will be held the Fiera degli Scalzi, one of the most important events of the district of San Michele degli Scalzi.

The Viale delle Piagge,  one of the most evocative green lungs of Pisa, will be filled with colorful harmonies of nature that will transform the picturesque avenue in a large showcase of food and wine products of Italy, the artisan and commercial activities of the Italian regions, and also environmental technologies and renewable energy.

In addition to the main protagonists of the event are also planned horticultural companies that will exhibit plants for the upcoming autumn transplants, seeds, equipment and publications for gardening and winter garden cultivation, also will be located, always along the avenue the so-called "empty cellars", in fact part of the path of the Avenue will be enriched with modern objects and many curiosities; so much craftsmanship, handmade by wise creative in the most disparate techniques, are over 40 sectors represented, from fabrics to wood to the recovery of ancient artifacts and modern objects and then commercial companies in the most disparate commercial sectors from leisure to environmental technologies, fireplaces and ovens, household goods, small appliances and fixtures, hardware, alarm systems and accessories for the home, in short, over 100 exhibitors will make this end of summer more enjoyable.

Also in this case there will be many collateral initiatives, from the presentation of books to exhibitions, theater performances and musical performances organized by the Committee and the association Convivio Le Piagge, that in symbiosis with the companies will transform for three days the banks of the vaunted Pisan river, in a large exhibition area and show for all those who visit the fair, a good opportunity to enjoy the sun and the beautiful season, after the scorching heat of this summer, among the scents of nature.

For information or numbers 3333405845-3334317972.