From Thursday 23 to Sunday 26 November, Pisa returns to celebrate one of its most illustrious sons, Leonardo Pisano, known as Fibonacci. The programme will kick off on the conventional day of his birth, 23 November, given that the series 11/23, in American dating, is the beginning of the famous numerical sequence indicated by the celebrated author of the 'Liber Abbaci'.
The Municipality of Pisa, Department of Tourism, is organising an articulated programme of initiatives from 2019, this year in collaboration with the State Archives, the General Directorate for Archives, Palazzo Blu, the Regional Directorate of Museums of Tuscany University of Pisa, the University Museum System, Arnopolis centro studi and Binario vivo.
All events on the calendar are free of charge.
Fibonacci Days (23 - 26 November 2023)
Thursday, 23 November
Chiesa della Spina (11 a.m.) - presentation of the exhibition "Santa Maria della Spina. Fibonacci and the invisible church" curated by Marco Guerrazzi. Speech by Paolo Pesciatini, Councillor for Tourism of the Municipality of Pisa. The exhibition will be held from 23 November to 15 December (opening hours: Tuesday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.)
Palazzo Gambacorti, Sala Baleari (4 p.m.) - "Leonardo Pisano and the first great mathematical challenges". Greetings by Paolo Pesciatini, Councillor for Tourism of the Municipality of Pisa. Introduced by Sergio Giudici, Department of Physics, Museum of Physics Instruments, University of Pisa). Speaker Franco Ghione, Department of Mathematics, University of Rome, Tor Vergata.
Special philatelic cancellation from 4 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
Atrium of Palazzo Gambacorti, exhibition of Lucio Battisti's 33 rpm and 45 rpm covers.
Pisa State Archives, Palazzo Toscanelli (9.00 p.m.) - opening of the event "Pisa and the Arab World", Palazzo Toscanelli and Museo Nazionale di S. Matteo (24 November 2023 - 23 January 2024). "The Music of the Arab World", opening concert by Toscana Produzione Musica, in dialogue with Francesco Martinelli. Ziad Trabelsi (oud), Simone Pulvano (percussion). Admission free while places last (80).
Special stamp cancellation from 8.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m.
Friday 24 November
Aula Magna of the Department of Mathematics, Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3 (5.30 p.m.) - "La matematica che trasformò il mondo, Il Liber abaci di Leonardo Pisano". Introduced by Pier Daniele Napolitani, Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa. Speaker Franco Ghione, Department of Mathematics, University of Rome - Tor Vergata.
Lumiere, vicolo del Tidi, 6 (9.00 p.m.) - "Time Machine" Concert Part One: B.P.M. (Battisti Post Mogol) band "Gli anni con Panella" with Gias Abracek (vocals, acoustic guitar), Valentina Grigò (vocals), Giulio Collavoli (piano), Michele Lenzi (keyboards), Maurizio Baldini (bass), Jacopo Giusti (drums). Intermezzo: Musica Nuda with Petra Magoni (vocals) and Ferruccio Spinetti (double bass). Part Two: Anima Lucio, "The years with Mogol" with Gianni D'Aglio (drums), Massimo Luca (guitar, vocals), Bob Callero (bass). Special guest Gabriele Lorenzi (piano, voice, organ). Admission free while places last (275).
Saturday 25 November
Palazzo Gambacorti, sala Baleari (10 a.m.) - "La Bellezza riunita. L'arte, la matematica, la filosofia di Lucio Battisti", award ceremony for musicians of Lucio Battisti and others (Gabriele Lorenzi, Gianni dell'Aglio, Massimo Lua, Bob Callero), presentation of plaque and parchment "for the high cultural and social value given to Italian music". - (10.30 a.m.) conference 'Lucio Battisti domani: tra Fibonacci e il verso cantato'. In collaboration with the Arnopolis Study Centre, coordinated and introduced by Marco Masoni with Gianfranco Salvatore (musicologist, writer), Donato Zoppo (writer, journalist), Roberto Gasparini (Lucio Battisti's last recordist). Admission free while places last (100).
Gipsoteca dell'Università di Pisa, piazza San Paolo all'Orto (4 p.m.) - "Spiriti Solitari, cantautori ascoltanti, visti e raccontati", Marco Masoni and Fabrizio Bartelloni present "Lucio Battisti e gli altri della sezione aurea". Admission free while places last (100).
Sunday 26 November
Walls of Pisa - extraordinary opening with free admission for residents.