On Sunday 12 May, 'Bimbimbici' returns to Pisa, the bicycle ride through the city streets organised by FIAB Pisa in collaboration with the Municipality of Pisa and UISP Pisa.
The event aims to promote sustainable mobility and to spread the use of bicycles among the young and very young. It is a cheerful, safe ride along city streets aimed mainly at children aged 5 to 11, but is open to all. In fact, Bimbimbici wants to encourage a general reflection on the need to moderate traffic and create 30 zones and cycle paths to increase the liveability of urban centres. It also wants to encourage the creation of protected home-school routes and 'school roads', i.e. roads adjacent to schools where car traffic is temporarily blocked so that everyone can reach them safely.
The day's programme includes a meeting at 9.30 a.m. in Piazza XX Settembre for registration and fun activities organised by Fiab and Uisp. At 10.30 a.m. the start of the bicycle ride through the city streets, followed by a snack for the children. To allow all children to pedal according to their abilities, there will be two routes: the first, for everyone, will be a tour of the four central lungarnos. At the second passage in Piazza XX Settembre, the little ones with small wheels will stop, while the bulk of the procession will continue. This is the complete itinerary: Lungarno Gambacorti, Ponte Solferino, Lungarno Pacinotti, Piazza Garibaldi, Lungarno Mediceo, Lungarno Galilei, Piazza XX Settembre (2.5 km, stop for children with training wheels), Lungarno Gambacorti, Via Mazzini, Via D'Azeglio, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele (first stop), Via Crispi, Lungarno Sonnino, Ponte della Cittadella, Piazza di Terzanaia, Via Bonanno, Via Risorgimento, Via Roma, Via Trento, Via Santa Maria, lungarno Pacinotti, via Curtatone, piazza San Frediano, via San Frediano, piazza dei Cavalieri (second stop), via Consoli del Mare, via Carducci, largo del Parlascio, via del Brennero, largo San Zeno, pista delle Mura (third stop), via San Francesco, via Di Simone, via Santa Bibbiana, piazza Mazzini, lungarno Mediceo, ponte della Fortezza, lungarno Galilei, piazza XX Settembre (approx. 5 km). A minibus with a mechanic and a doctor on board will follow the procession to deal with any falls.
To take part in Bimbimbici you must register before the start; registration costs €2 (€1 for any siblings). Registration is reserved for children who cycle. The presence of parents is strongly recommended. Participating adults will be able to rent a bike at Smile and Ride (via Mascagni 13 Station area)) with a 10% discount. To avoid queues, it is advisable to pre-register online at www.fiabpisa.it/bimbimbici.htm (until Saturday 11 May).