Worlds of Paper. Small exhibition of great illustrators

Mondi di Carta. Piccola mostra di grandi illustratori
Mondi di Carta. Piccola mostra di grandi illustratori
Libreria BluBook
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End date: 

The exhibition ‘Mondi di Carta. Small exhibition of great illustrators' at the Blu Book bookstore in Pisa.

The inauguration, open to all, will be on Friday 7 June at 5 p.m.

The magnificent world of illustrations that embellish children's books lands at the Blu Book bookshop in Pisa. From Friday 7 June, the exhibition ‘Mondi di carta. Piccola mostra di grandi illustratori' (Small exhibition of great illustrators) will be open to the public from Friday, 7 June. The exhibition will feature more than forty prints by illustrators and illustrators who are well known and loved by the youngest audience and whose colourful strokes accompany the stories and tales collected in the book series published by the Lavieri publishing house.

Stories and illustrations of various kinds, featuring animals, little robots, little girls and boys asking themselves a thousand questions, confronting the world, growing up! The idea for the exhibition arose from the collaboration between the bookshop managers and the publishing house, which specialises in children's books and comics, with the aim of offering young readers and their families an extra opportunity to pass by the bookshop also to admire the drawings and illustrations of real artists, who with the most diverse techniques know how to build fantastic, colourful worlds that arouse curiosity and a desire for discovery.

The illustrators who will be exhibited at the Blu Book bookshop are: Moon, Matt Dixon, Michele Bosco, Yile Gao, Catonpaper, Erika De Pieri, Massimiliano Frezzato, Richolly Rosazza.

On Friday, 7 June, there will be the opening of the ‘small exhibition’, open to all, children, parents, families, the curious and the interested, starting at 5 p.m. at the bookstore. The exhibition is a cultural and entertainment proposal that will be open for free throughout the month of June.

The exhibition is organised by the bookstore in collaboration with the Lavieri publishing house and will be open to the public until 30 June at the premises in Via Toselli n. 23 in Pisa.

The exhibition is open fr Tuesday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., on Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

For info 
