Hall of the twentieth century

La Sala del Novecento
La Sala del Novecento
Palazzo Blu
Start date: 
End date: 

In the historic residence of Palazzo Blu a new exhibition with works by local artists and three newly acquired works by Galileo Chini, Guglielmo Amedeo Lori and Spartaco Carlini.

Palazzo Blu inaugurates the Hall of the twentieth century, hosted in the historic residence. The hall represents an initiative of enhancement and revaluation of artists linked and active in Pisa in the last century, to rediscover a historical period less known by public opinion and sometimes overlooked by critics. The new exhibition presents to the public works already present in the collections of the Pisa Foundation, collected and placed from scratch in the room and also proposes three new acquisitions, always by important artists of the '900. The works that make their entrance to Palazzo Blu and that are exposed for the first time are 'View. Le Apuane dalla Marina di Pisa' (1901) by Guglielmo Amedeo Lori, 'Il Cancello (Il voto ai dimenticati della terra)' (1916) by Galileo Chini and 'La scimmia' by Spartaco Carlini. To these is added a painting by Carlo Markò (son) with a view of Caprona, which will be exhibited in the Sala da Gioco.

The new room dedicated to the twentieth century will be presented at 17.00 on Thursday, March 21, at the auditorium of Palazzo Blu.
Speakers: Stefano Del Corso, president of the Pisa Foundation, Cosimo Bracci Torsi, president of Palazzo Blu, and Stefano Renzoni, historical and artistic consultant for the collections of Palazzo Blu.

Informations: www.palazzoblu.it