On the occasion of the eleventh edition of Terre di Pisa Food & Wine Festival, the Sistema Museale di Ateneo (SMA) is offering free guided tours on 20, 21 and 22 October 2023.
Free admission and free participation to the events in the SMA museums participating in the initiative are provided for visitors to the festival, upon presentation at the museums' ticket office of the special coupon provided by the SMA and distributed at the Terre di Pisa stand in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II.
Here is the programme of initiatives proposed by the University Museums:
Friday 20 October
Guided tour in the Gipsoteca in three shifts: 4 p.m., 5 p.m. and 6 p.m.
- Saturday 28 October: guided tour of the Gipsoteca in two shifts: 10:30 and 11:30 a.m.
Free event, free admission. Accessible to persons with disabilities
Further information: info.gipsoteca@sma.unipi.it - 050 2211278
Guided tours are conducted in collaboration with the MARSIA laboratory of the Department of Civilisations and Forms of Knowledge
LUDOTECA SCIENTIFICA (Museo degli Strumenti di Fisica)
- Saturday 21 October 2023, 3-7 pm
Science on the table. Workshops on the science of food and wine for all ages (duration 60 minutes)
A fascinating day of scientific experiments and discoveries! The event combines three intriguing themes of food chemistry to offer an immersive experience on the wonders of cooking. The workshops will focus on discovering colours in food, substances found in food and wine, and the importance of acidity in nutrition.
Free event. More information: ludotecascientifica@gmail.com; 050 2214861 - 320 0403946
HELLO WORLD! (organised by the University of Pisa and the Museum of Computing Instruments)
- Saturday 21 October 2023, 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Guided tour of the exhibition Hello World! Computing from the arithmometer to the smartphone in two shifts.
Free event. Booking required at https://www.msc.sma.unipi.it/prenotazione-eventi-speciali/
Not accessible to people with disabilities More information: helloworld@sma.unipi.it
- Friday 20 October 2023, 9 am- 1 pm and 2 pm - 4 pm
The collections of the Museum of Human Anatomy. The tour will take place with museum guides who will accompany visitors to the halls of the Museum where there are 3400 medical finds divided into different sections, as well as archaeological, pre-Columbian and Egyptian collections. The visit will also include the Mascagni Gallery, where an important collection of Anatomical Tables from the first half of the nineteenth century is exhibited, which the anatomist Paolo Mascagni had made to life-size.
Further information: info.mau@sma.unipi.it – tel. +39 050 22 18 628
- Friday 20, Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 October 2023
- Friday 27, Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 October 2023
- Free admission during Museum opening hours from 9 am to 7 pm.
Visitors can visit the Fashion, Sport, Tourism exhibition (5 July – 29 October 2023) set up in the suggestive rooms of Palazzo Lanfranchi.
Accessible to people with disabilities. More information: museodellagrafica@adm.unipi.it – +39 050 2216060
- Saturday 28 October 2023, 4:15 p.m.
Monsters on the table! Creative workshop for families (age: 6-11 years)
Looking at some of the works of the Museum that represent the plant world, it will be possible to discover who is good, who is bad and who is bad. Finally, you can have fun making a monstrous Halloween decoration. Cost: 6€ – Free for those who will present the appropriate coupon made available and distributed at the stand of Terre di Pisa in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II from 20 to 22 September.
Reservation required until the available seats are exhausted by sending an email to: educazione.museodellagrafica@sma.unipi.it
Accessible to people with disabilities. More information: educazione.museodellagrafica@sma.unipi.it – 050 2216059 / 070
These are the opening hours of the other museums of the University during the Terre di Pisa Food and Wine Festival, on October 20, 22 and 22, 2023:
GARDEN AND BOTANICAL MUSEUM: every day from 8:30 am to 18 pm;
VETERINARY ANATOMICAL MUSEUM: open by appointment. Reservations to info.mav@sma.unipi.it;
MUSEUM OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY: open by appointment. Reservations to info.map@sma.unipi.it