Dance of the Qubits in the Piazza del Duomo 2025 - POSTPONED DUE TO BAD WEATHER

Danza dei qubit in Piazza del Duomo 2025 - RIMANDATA PER MALTEMPO
Danza dei qubit in Piazza del Duomo 2025 - RIMANDATA PER MALTEMPO
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Event postponed due to bad weather to wednesday 26 february 2025

On 12 February, from 5.45 p.m. to 7 p.m., Piazza dei Miracoli will host the quantum qubit dance performance, which opens the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology (IYQ25) in Pisa, inaugurated on 4 February with an official ceremony in Paris The year of quantum was established by UNESCO to celebrate 100 years since the beginning of the development of quantum mechanics.

The evening will include an initial flash mob during which the dancers' movements will reproduce a mathematical formalism used to visually represent the quantum state. This will be followed by a choreography of lights projected onto the south walls of the Monumental Cemetery; this is the temporal evolution of the ‘wave function’, one of the simplest quantum processes called quantum walk.

The scientific team for the event is coordinated by Marilù Chiofalo and is composed of Jorge Yago Malo, Antonio Romano, Chiara Coviello, Vittoria Stanzione and Sebastiano Bresolin of the Physics Department of the University of Pisa.
