2 June: Republic Day celebrations

2 giugno: celebrazioni per la festa della Repubblica
2 giugno: celebrazioni per la festa della Repubblica
Piazza Mazzini
Start date: 
End date: 

Sunday 2 June, on the occasion of the Republic Day, the Municipality of Pisa with the Prefecture and the Province of Pisa, has scheduled a series of events starting at 10 a.m. in Piazza Mazzini:

  • deployment of the inter-force picket
  • flag-raising ceremony 
  • performance of the National Anthem
  • Message from the President of the Republic
  • Intervention of the Prefect of Pisa Maria Luisa D'Alessandro and delivery of the Awards
  • Interventions participating schools, "Theater of Kindness" and tournament "Red Card to violence"
  • execution of the European Anthem

At 5.30 p.m. at Logge dei Banchi a concert will be held by the Società Filarmonica Pisana.

Citizenship is invited to participate.