During Christmas time, Pisa offers a wide range of scheduled events throughout the city. Many concerts, shows and entertainment including history, culture and fun.
Friday, December 23th, 2016
-Pisa, Piazza Garibaldi 17:30 "Tourneè and ritourneè" Swing and Rock & Roll
-Pisa, September Piazza XX 18:00 "Concerts under the tree" Choir voices Bonamici
Saturday, December 24th, 2016
-Pisa, Piazza XX Settembre 17:30 "The Lord of the cherries" music with unusual instruments
Saturday 31stDecember 2016
-Pisa, Piazza del Carmine at 16:00 -17:00 -18:00 "Gli uomini preferiscono le piume" musical show with puppets
-Pisa, Largo C.Menotti
at 17:00 "Bandita" Badabimbumband - Street Band
at 17:30 "Pupurrì" Dolls and puppets -Pisa, Piazza XX Settembre at 17:30 "Pindarico" Transformation on stilts
at 18:30 "Asente Kenya" Acrobatic Show
at 19:00 "Bandita" Badabimbumband - Street Band
at 19:50 "Pindarico" Trasformation on stilts
at 21:00 "Balkan Bistrot" Street Band
at 21:30 "Asente Kenya" Acrobatic Show
-Pisa, Piazza Garibaldi
at 18:30 "Peppe Millanta & Balkan Bistrò" Concertat 21:00 "Bandita" Badabimbumband - Street Band
at 22:15 "Guadats Junk Band" concert
at 23:15 "Gene Gnocchi Show" comic entertainment
at 23:45 "Guadats Junk Band" concert
at 00:00 Happy New Year toast
at 00:25 "Guadats Junk Band" concert
at 00:30 "Bandita" Badabimbumband - Street Band
at 01:00 music with DJ
-Pisa, Ponte di Mezzo
at 18:15 "Quadro" dance aereal acrobatic on the riverat 22:00 "Quadro" dance aereal acrobatic on the river
at 00:05 New Year show
at 00:40 "Quadro" dance aereal acrobatic on the river
-Pisa, Teatro Verdi at 22:15 "Mummenschanz" spectacle of silence musicians
Sunday 1st January 2017
-Pisa, Teatro Verdi at 18:00 New year concert
Tuesday 3rd January 2017
-Tirrenia, Largo Riviera at 15:00 "Il giro del mondo aspettando la Befana"
Animated readings and performances with Epiphany stories from around the world
Friday 6th January 2017
-Pisa, Piazza Garibaldi at 17:00 "Archimossi" Dark Lady Band
-Pisa, Piazza XX Settembre at 19:00 "Archimossi" Dark Lady Band
-Pisa, Largo Ciro Menotti
at 15:30-18:30 "La BOttega del Geppetto" - games
-Pisa, Piazza del Carmine at 16:00-17:00-18:00 "La Bella e la Bestia" - Puppets and Cotton Candy
-Tirrenia, Piazza Belvedere at 15:00 Befana's arrival
-Marina di Pisa,Piazza Sardegna at 11:00 Il Tuffo di Befana
From Saturday 3rd December guided visits at Navi Antiche di PIsa Museum turismo@argheologia.it
Thursday 22nd December, Teatro Verdi, "La Bella Addormentata" Ballet
Friday 6th January, Teatro Verdi, "Eureka" show
Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th January 2017 extraordinary opening of the MEDIOEVAL WALLS OF PISA