Rosa fragrans. Drawings and watercolours by Aurora Tazza

Rosa fragrans. Disegni e acquerelli di Aurora Tazza
Rosa fragrans. Disegni e acquerelli di Aurora Tazza
Museo della Grafica
Start date: 
End date: 

From 12 noon on Thursday 16 May, it will be possible to visit the exhibition Rosa fragrans. Drawings and watercolours by Aurora Tazza, set up at the Museo della Grafica in Palazzo Lanfranchi.

The exhibition is part of the project "At the Museum and in the Garden: dialogues between art and science" conceived by the Museo della Grafica and the Botanical Garden of Pisa. Through an articulated calendar of exhibitions, encounters with the artist, workshops, didactic laboratories and "behind the scenes" visits, an itinerary aimed at the knowledge of nature through the dual declination of artistic expression and botanical research methodologies will be created. A series of appointments scheduled in the two museum venues of the Botanical Garden and Museum - the ancient Giardino di Semplici_ and Palazzo Lanfranchi - the seat of the Museo della Grafica (Municipality of Pisa and University of Pisa) - will feature paintings, illustrated books, manuscripts, botanical plates, herbarium specimens and photographs, offering a broad panorama that sheds light on the most varied ways of representing and interpreting the natural world.

The exhibition will be open until 30 June 2024.