Saturday, October 12 the ADSI - Association of Historical Italian Houses inaugurates the third edition of the national event "Cards in residence. Archives and Libraries: stories between past and future", which will accompany the initiative "Sunday paper", promoted by the Ministry of Culture, which for several years has been organizing the opening of public libraries and state archives, scheduled this year for Sunday 13 October.
"Carte in Dimora" is part of the activities that ADSI promotes during the year to raise awareness among civil society and institutions about the role that historical residences play for the socio-economic and cultural fabric of the country. The private historical archives and libraries, with their maps, books and manuscripts, are tangible evidence of the evolution of the territories and how historic homes are a fundamental and essential element of our country’s cultural heritage, thanks to their presence in every town, municipality and village of Italy, which not only represent the history, but can and must be the pivot of sustainable development of the territories that they represent, their future.
Saturday 12 October will therefore be a valuable opportunity to have access and consult writings, maps and scrolls that trace the history of our country, to discover our origins and interpret the challenges of the future. In Pisa will be visited the Archive of the Palazzo della Carovana with a guided tour by the Scuola Normale Superiore entitled 'The art of living, Living the art', and the Domus Mazziniana with the opening of the library and the exhibition of some of the rarest pieces in the collection, including some of the books by Giuseppe Mazzini.
- Archive of the Palazzo della Carovana:
Opening time: 10.00-13.00 / 15.00-18.00
Information and compulsory booking at:
- Domus Mazziniana
Opening time: 10.00-12.00
Information and compulsory booking at:
General information: