21 September 2022 | National Museum of San Matteo
Free admission
On 21 September, the Museo Nazionale di San Matteo will be open to the public free of charge to celebrate the anniversary of the saint of the same name.
The museum takes its name from its location, the former monastery of the Benedictine nuns of St. Matthew. The building, founded in 1027, was used as a prison from 1877 until the Second World War. Since 1949, it was transformed into a museum in which works of art from ecclesiastical contexts in the city of Pisa and the surrounding area are preserved and exhibited.
At 11.30 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. free guided tours of the museum collection, with a focus on the 12th to 15th century depictions of St Matthew, one of the twelve apostles, who was the author of the Gospel recounting the infancy of Jesus.
Photo: Pisa, Museo Nazionale di San Matteo, "The Angel" symbol with which St. Matthew is represented, detail from the antependium signed Bonusamicus, late 12th century, from Castellina Marittima (PI).