Sentieri #8 - Theatre in places to be rediscovered

Sentieri #8 - Teatro in luoghi da riscoprire
Sentieri #8 - Teatro in luoghi da riscoprire
Villa del Gombo, Parco di San Rossore
Start date: 
End date: 

Sentieri #8 - Theatre in places to be rediscovered
Itinerant performance inside and outside Villa del Gombo in the San Rossore Park on 20 21 22 and 27 28 29 May 2022 at 3.00 p.m., 4.45 p.m., 6.45 p.m., (on Fridays only at 4.45 p.m. and 6.45 p.m.)

SENTIERI project creates original and unique performances composed ad hoc for a place to be rediscovered with the aim of enhancing the environmental and architectural heritage. An unrepeatable event elsewhere, born, created and staged on site and not simply repurposed.
SENTIERI #8 offers the opportunity to enter the recently renovated former Presidential Villa. Wanted by Gronchi as a symbol of rebirth, the Villa has seen the presence of crowned heads and heads of state over the years. The route continues through the Villa's garden, the wood, goes beyond the gate and arrives at the dunes as far as the Marinette sea.
The itinerant and immersive performance will take participants on an evocative walk of environmental, historical and architectural interest, a route through a place otherwise closed to the public. Using multiple forms of expression such as music, theatre, dance and poetry, the show involves a cast of 12 musicians and performers, is limited to no more than 35 spectators at a time and lasts about an hour.
The event is part of the European Festival of Parks and will be a preview for the Viviparco festival. 

Limited places and reservation required 
tel: 333-3061368

This is a new edition of Sentieri, with a very different route from the one already taken in the Tenuta del Gombo.

We would like to thank the San Rossore Park and the Municipality of Pisa, the media partner Radioframmenti, the sponsors Studio Mattonai, Unicoop Pisa Firenze and La Sterpaia