vari musei in centro città
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The usual appointment with the European Museum Night is back, this year at its 14th edition. The initiative, born under the patronage of the Council of Europe, UNESCO and ICOM to enhance the European cultural identity and involving museums throughout Europe, is part of the European Year of Cultural Heritage. For the occasion over 3000 museums will open their doors to the public. These include those of the University Museum System of the University of Pisa, which will be open and open for free from 9 pm to 11 pm (with the exception of the exhibition "Robert Doisneau, Fisherman of Images" at the Museum of Graphics and Aquariums and of the exhibition "Dinosaurs: predators and prey" at the Museum of Natural History). An opportunity to get to know these places of exchange, meeting and learning, which play a fundamental role in the transmission of the historical, artistic and scientific heritage of the University and of the city of Pisa.
The Museum of Graphics at Palazzo Lanfranchi (Lungarno Galilei, 9) will remain open every day until 11 pm. An opportunity not to be missed to visit the "Robert Doisneau" exhibitions. Fisherman of images ", a selection of 70 black and white images of one of the most important photographers of the twentieth century and" Navigare tra segno. Sardinia and Tuscany in the engraving between the XX and XXI centuries ", a fascinating journey among the works of the major protagonists of engraving in Sardinia and Tuscany from the 1900s to today. Also open are the Gipsoteca di Arte Antica (piazza S. Paolo All'Orto, 20), the Egyptological Collections (via San Frediano 12), the Museo Botanico (via Roma, 56). Guided tours will be organized at the Gipsoteca, run in collaboration with the students of the University of Pisa and the work school alternation, while the Egyptological Collections can be visited by experimenting with the new free application downloadable from
Open from 9pm to 11pm, free admission and guided tours also to the Museum of Physics Instruments, to the Scientific Library and to the Museum of Calculation Tools (Via Bonanno Pisano, 2), where it will be possible, exceptionally, to visit the exhibition again, science and art, "Isomorphic Conjectures", by Francesco Zavattari. All visitors will be offered a small refreshment. Finally, an extraordinary opening from 9.00 pm to 11.00 pm at the Natural History Museum (via Roma, Calci), where the temporary exhibition "Dinosaurs: predators and prey" is set up, which allows a sensational journey through the Mesozoic to discover survival strategies. During the evening there are also activities dedicated to microorganisms by experts and researchers of the Italian Society of Protistology (SIP) onlus.